
Hubby and I moved in with mom a year and a half ago and I am her caregiver. She currently does NOT need skilled care but as her health is getting worse, she might in a year or two. Mom's house is PAID OFF currently.
Here is what we want to do...
Hubby and I want to buy a property about an hour away in a bigger town and bring mom with us, either living in the same house or her own house next to us. The thought was hubby and I would buy the house with a mortgage, get moved, then eventually sell mom's house and use that money to pay off the new mortgage. The only difference now is that mom's name wouldn't be on the new property.
She's essentially moving her paid house to ALL of our paid house. How would that impact Medicaid should she need it in the future?

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Nope. Nope and Nope.
See an elder law attorney for options.
Moving in the direction you suggest would make mom self paying only if in need of care and you cannot tell at a second's notice if in facility care is needed.
Do not consider doing what you are suggesting.
This would be "gifting" on your mother's part to such an extent that she would never get help for her care from any governmental program. You may think she won't need it. But think again. She well may need it even WITH all the proceeds from sale of her home.

You badly need the advice of a competent elder law attorney in your area, not the many opinions of a forum, friends or neighbors. It's clear you don't know the drastic circumstances this could lead to that you cannot take back nor do over. Don't do this without seeing an attorney first.
Helpful Answer (13)
Reply to AlvaDeer
MargaretMcKen Dec 20, 2024
Alva, how does this square with the look-back time limit?
There is normally a 5 year Look back with Medicaid to see where moms money has gone. If she doesn't need Medicaid for 5 years after this transaction, you should be okay. But I'd consult a Certified Elder Care attorney in your area to get all the info rather than rely on non professionals from the internet.
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to lealonnie1

BurntCrispy, hopefully your Mom won't need Medicaid within the next 5 years (or whatever time frame your State requires) after you purchase a new house, and she sells her own house. If she should need Medicaid within the timeframe, then Medicaid would see the money that she gives you as "gifting".

Your Mom really should save the money from the sale of her house to use later for a really nice Assisted Living that also allows Medicaid after one has been self-paid in AL for a certain amount of time.

Time to set up an appointment with an Elder Law Attorney to guide you through this process.
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to freqflyer

Bad idea, the money from the sale of her house should be used for her care, private pay, if she needs to go into a facility. Medicaid is the last ditch effort when her money runs out, not the first option.

Medicaid has a 5 year lookback, using her money to pay for your house is gifting.

You need to pay for your house yourself and leave her money to care for her.

Have a consultation with any attorney, IMO that is the best option.
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to MeDolly
BurntCaregiver Dec 14, 2024

Not necessarily. If the mother buys the property and it's put into Trust that's a protected asset.

Why shouldn't the little guy in the middle class not do what wealthy people have done forever? Rich millionaires and billionaires put everything into Trusts for their families. This is how they save on paying taxes and get things for free.

Why is the small, middle-class person with a little bit of money and maybe a piece of real estate, supposed to set the example of honesty and financial morality?

"She currently does NOT need skilled care but as her health is getting worse, she might in a year or two. "

As others have correctly pointed out, most states' Medicaid "look back" on the financial application is 5 years. Medicaid covers the medical part of LTC (and SS covers the custodial).

You don't say how old your Mom is. A good financial planner would consider the longevity and health history of her family as part of forecasting probable needs. If your Mom is fairly old (80+) then I personally would be a little nervous without the guidance of an good financial consultant or at least a Medicaid Planner for her home state, which you do not mention. Medicaid rules vary by state.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to Geaton777

It depends on what kind of Medicaid. If for some reason she has to go into a nursing home, memory care, or assisted living, her share in the house will have to go towards her care bills. Same with the paid fa,ily caregiver programs through Medicaid. Her share of the house will have to go to Medicaid when she passes.

Don't buy a property and have her name on the deed. Let her contribute to it financially if she wants to. Keep her name off the deeds and keep her out of a care facility for five years. That's the Medicaid look-back period. If she transfers assets over to her family now and you keep her out of a care facility for five years, those assets will be Medicaid-exempt and they will pay for her in residential care.

Or she can buy a property with you and put it into Trust with you as the Trustee. This means even if she has to go into a residential care facility, the property is a protected asset for as long as you don't sell it and if she's low-income and meets Medicaid requirements, they will pay.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to BurntCaregiver

Personally, we cannot and should not predict the future of your mom. One fall or a serious illness can change the world in 2 seconds. It's good to have a plan. Your mom's house needs to be sold to help pay for her care. Place her into an assisted living facility. Use those funds until they run out. I would move her while she is still well. Sell her house and then buy yours with your own money. Her assets are her assets. Call an Elder Care Attorney please. Medicaid may not be necessary yet. She may qualify depending on her income. Make sure you stay responsible with her care.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Onlychild2024

BurntCrispy: Retain an attorney.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Llamalover47

It seems to me, a non legal professional, but experienced with Medicaid,
If you sell mom's house and use the proceeds to pay off YOUR house, I believe that would be seen as her "gifting" the money to you. That is a no-no.

You would be better off to buy the new house in her name, with a transfer-on-death deed to you. She is allowed under medicaid qualification rules to keep her full time residence. As well as a vehicle and a limited amount of cash in the bank. They will not force her to sell her house and car if she is using them.

As others have pointed out, Medicaid has a 5 year look back period. So, if you don't expect to need to apply for medicaid for 5 years, then you only have the IRS to worry about by having your mother "gift" you a house. Yes, there's going to be a lot of taxes on that.

Sounds to me like you are selfishly thinking of how you can use your mother's money now to enrich your life, without waiting for her to die or spend all "your" money on her own health care.

I find it funny you spin it in this way: "She's essentially moving her paid house to ALL of our paid house", except that "her name wouldn't be on the new property"!

If you really want to buy a house together with mom, put all three of you on the deed, and you better plan on contributing an equal portion to pay for it. Even if that means you carry a mortgage, and mom's extra money sits in the bank, for HER use. That is actually not a bad idea. She still contributes to the cost of a new home for all of you, maybe in a more desirable community, and she has her family with her to the end.

You know, your mother can pay you as a caregiver. But I would put it in a written contract and make sure employment taxes are paid and income tax is withheld. Cover all your legal bases.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to CaringWifeAZ
BurntCrispy Jan 14, 2025
Selfishly? Wow. So I guess my husband and I selling our home several years ago to, spending THOUSANDS to live in apartments until we were essentially FORCED to move in here for me to take care of my mom for the last year an a half at NO cost to HER, covering ALL the expenses and us only having social security as our own income with me trying to bring in income through odd jobs in between caregiving for both mom and my husband who now has a new heart condition is being selfish. Since 2021, I've spent my own personal savings and so has my husband because he couldn't draw social security until last year and I'm 58 so I'm not eligible. I'm NOT getting paid and in fact PAYING to live her AND take care of her so she won't HAVE to go into a facility.

I'm also updating the house as much as I can afford to make it senior friendly doing it all myself. I do all the shopping, cleaning, laundry and food prep. Why? So she doesn't have to spend HER money. So she can keep as much as possible in case she needs to fall back on it.

So yeah, I think you read that wrong. Thanks for your reply.
You say you and your husband want to do this, but what does your mother want? Does she want to sell her house and move? Would it be safe for her to live on her own in a house next to yours? Is she cognizant to make such a decision? Does she manage her own finances or do you manage them? Do you have financial POA? Are you the only child or are there siblings who might be impacted or want input?
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to MG8522

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