My 86 year old grandfather recently lost his vision because of macular degeneration. He is in perfect health otherwise. Until he lost his vision he would spend hours in his garden and loved to read and watch TV. I was thinking about getting him an ipod or other audio device so he can listen to audio books. Can anyone recommend a device I can get him to listen to audio books that he would be able to operate? I'd also like to hear other ideas for how to keep him active.
Phone: 888/657-7323 (Connect to a local library),
Also check with your state's assistive technology project about equipment, too. You can find your state's project at
And definitely visit Vision AWARE. They have tons of activities, suggestions, and tips for people with vision loss
audiobooks. His nurse had to change
the CDs for him. Another thing I did was
set up specific times for him to talk
on my cell phone with his various friends
around the country. I think these two
activites were very important in preventing
him from becoming depressed when the
macular degeneration rendered him almost
almost completely blind.