
My sister died unexpectedly, without a will. Dad inherits everyhing as that is the law in Michigan. How will the mobile home, that sits in a mobile home community, with lot rent, impact his application? Dad has enough money to pay for a couple months at the nursing home on his own, and has no intention on going back to the mobile home or using the car, which was actually his, but that is another complication for another day. Our plan was to apply for Medicaid once his assets are spent down and his income is only $990 a month from SS. I do have an elder law attorney but the one question I don't have an answer to is "How long does dad have to sell the mobile home before its worth is considered in his application?" I am so afraid it is just going to sit there and cost lot rent and no one will buy it at fair market value. Any advice?

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You said Dad lived with sister in the mobile home and that the car is actually his? If the jome was his residence, it maybe considered an exempt asset the car too. I may consult with an Elder lawyer or a Medicaid caseworker.

If Dad jnly has a couple of months to keep him in a NH, that application needs to be started now.
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Reply to JoAnn29

So my plan is that I will since it is not in his name yet, and then will ask to be paid back from the proceeds of the sale.But I don't even know if that is the right answer.
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Reply to QueenofEngland
AlvaDeer Jan 18, 2025
The home will be sold by Dad when it is in his name.
Or by his POA (if Dad has dementia) if the POA is well enough written that the POA can sell real estate (and it sure better be).
The money will go into Dad's accounts.
The money will be paid for is care.
When the money is gone Dad will apply for Medicaid.
See a realtor who will help with this.
Go to Park management and ask what realtors sell within the park.
Sell the home.
He then has a few more months with which to self pay.
Use a realtor. My brother's last home was a mobile home (old 1970s trailer) in a Historic Park in Palm Springs. He bought for about 30,000, invesed another 30,000 to upgrade, and when he moved a year and one half later sold for 100,000. Start interviewing realtors. Go to park management and ask who they recommend.
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Reply to AlvaDeer
QueenofEngland Jan 18, 2025
The park manager said it would likely depreciate in value as they have done no upgrades. It's a 1990. Needs a LOT of cleaning. She bought it for about $30K in 2019. I just want to make sure it sells for fair market value so Medicaid doesn't question it.
The bigger question is who pays the lot rent
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to PeggySue2020

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