
My friend is a caregiver for a 92 year old Alzheimer's patient. The woman is also on dialysis. Needless to say, the woman is abusive.. She spits, she screams, she bites, slaps and kicks. The caregiver is expected to get her into the van for dialysis and take her to physical therapy (the patient is unable to walk or stand ). The patients daughter, with whom she lives is out of touch with reality. And does nothing to make things easier for her mother or the care giver. She does not allow her to partake in the activities typically helpful for Alzheimer's patients, and will not take any advise from the caregiver, who has worked with patients like this before. My friend is ready to quit, but really needs the job. Does any one have any suggestions about dealing with family who are not making good decisions for their parents? Should she just quit?

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Sounds like the caregiver is an independent contractor, correct? Bet she could get employment through a licensed Agency in a heart beat. The Agencies screen not only the caregivers but also the client and the patient. The Agency would have no qualms in talking to the daughter.

I wouldn't be surprised if the patient's daughter doesn't even have a workman's comp rider on her homeowners insurance, just in case the caregiver should get hurt on the job. Homeowners insurance doesn't cover "employees".

A licensed Agency is also insured, bonded, and offers workman's comp to their employees.
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I'd line up another job, then quit. You know the old saying, you can lead a horse to water..., I doubt there is anything she can say to get them to listen to her.
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She should just quit. An experienced caregiver shouldn't have trouble finding another job.
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