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Hi, I hope I didn't come off sounding too know it all. You, of course, know what is best for you and your Dad. I hope your appointment goes well on the 22. I am actually going to my Mom's neurology appointment around then as well, it will be my first time going to one of her appointments( my Dad is her full time caregiver). I am not sure what to expect but I have lots of questions!!! I hope we both get the answers we are looking for!!!
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Thank you for your advice. To Capnhardass he does respond to others totally different than the way he responds to me. I may not dress up but I can say I am calling the police. To IsntEasy his neurology appointment is not until May 22nd, but he has had an MRI and I will discuss that with his doctor this Thursday. He only wondered when he left the Hospital against the doctors orders in October, he was missing for 3 days. He was trying to find his way home. But now he doesn't. That is why I won't try a facility he will leave. He just wants to be home. To OncehatedDIL, I have a lock on my dock now he was pretty upset when I did it. To MishkaM I would suppose the answer would be no he would want me to be with anyone like that
Helpful Answer (3)

Hi DeAdra, you poor thing, on top of everything eles with dementia to have to deal with this. It is brave of you to bring up because I am sure you are not alone in this happening. Like Isn'tEasy said, it is not your Dad talking but the awful disease. However , I think that no one should have to deal with abuse of any kind-whether intentional or not- and you should think about having your Dad placed in a environment where his needs can be better met. Not that you are not a great caretaker to him but , well, think about your Dad -what if he ,before dementia- heard you were living with a sexual predator --would he want that for you? Would he want you living with someone who you feared could rape you? Wouldn't he do anything to protect you?
I wish you luck and blessings!!! ((((hugs))))
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Can you install a bolted lock on your bedroom door?
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I'm sure you realize that it's not your dad, it's the decaying of his brain that's the cause of this. However, aggression is nothing to treat lightly (sexual or otherwise). Take him to see his neurologist. If s/he doesn't respond with an action plan (drugs to try), go see someone else. If this continues, you need to go into self preservation mode. A dementia facility may be what's needed. Does he wander? Is that why you assume he'll leave? Maybe not. First, they're prepared to deal with every aspect of dementia, including wandering off and inappropriate behaviors (they've seen it all!). Second, maybe if he's in a place where he can, for the most part, behave however his brain tells him feels 'normal', he'll do better than on the outside world where his behaviors are abhorrent and even dangerous.
Good luck to you. Keep your own health (mental and physical) at the forefront fo the decisions you make.
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we were told in the hospital that as dementia travels around the sides of the brain nearly every thought process is
affected to sometimes include absurd sexual urges. is it possible to slap on an overcoat and hat at these times that would at a glance pass for a policemans uniform? of course this borders on absurd but so does his amorous behavior..
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