
if your going through divorce at age 82 and one spouce has had mounting medical bills and has to pay them from investments cause they don’t have cash can the court penalize the sick person? are they in contempt of court. if dying or with Altzhimers?

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As I said in your last post. You have a lawyer and he/she should be guiding you.

Is this person being sued? Has he been paying regularly trying to get the cost down? If so, he is paying in good faith. Can't get blood from a stone.

You know its confusing when your writing in "what if". Are you the one who is divorcing your spouse. Is this spouse the one with ALZ and mounting Bills. Maybe that spouse needs a lawyer of their own. If the spouse with ALZ, proves that they have been diagnosed with ALZ, I would think a Judge would consider that.

You would get better answers if you related the full situation. Not enough info.
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