
My family members and I have taken on the responsibility to help care for my 92 year old loved one. Her husband of 69 years passed away in February. She wants to remain in her home and that's also what we want for her. She has had 24/7 care through an agency since her husband's passing. My loved one does not have any children and three of the four of us that are helping her stay in her home live out of state. My mother is the only family that lives in the same state. Because of there not being much family around and because we truly care that our loved one is okay, my family placed Blink cameras in the house (well before caregivers came into the picture) so that we could monitor things and would know if an emergency came up. The caregiving agency was told about the cameras when they were brought on board and the cameras are in no way hidden. They are out in the open and can be seen.

The caregivers have a big problem with the cameras and go so far as to move the cameras, turn them upside down, and hide them. It has gotten so bad that a caregiver just sat in front of one of the cameras and started cursing at my family and is now walking around the house with no shirt on.

Is it uncommon for people to have cameras when there are strangers in a home with their loved one 24/7?

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I’d show that clip to police & have that caregiver arrested.
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That caregiver has got to go. I would not hire anyone that curses at me.

Tell the agency to not send caregivers that have a problem with cameras.
Helpful Answer (9)
JenUA1 Apr 2023
Thank you for that! We have told the agency over and over that the cameras are necessary for us to monitor that my loved one is continuing to do well and that she is safe being in her home. In fact, that was the very first thing we told them when we hired this agency - there are cameras and the caregivers need to be told there are cameras. We have a camera outside facing the driveway so we can see if someone comes to the house that shouldn't be there and this caregiver says that it is weird to have cameras on the outside of the house. I can't for the life of me understand why this is being made into some big deal. She says that my loved one has someone with her 24/7, so our family doesn't need to check on her. We don't think that's how this works! And, to add to the story, the cameras were put in a year ago when a caregiver from another agency stole my loved ones debit and credit card and spent over $10,000 between the two. We don't know these people and honestly haven't had any problems with them (until now), but they are basically living in my loved ones home. We feel we have every right to monitor her situation to be sure she is being cared for appropriately.
Not only the cursing, and walking around shirtless, but deciding that moving the cameras is okay?? That person would be gone, and lucky to not be charged for damage to cameras.
We have a camera in my sisters home. I told the agency that assigns the caregiver about the camera and that it was a way to monitor how my sister was doing with the caregiver and then when she is alone. It also helps me evaluate the issues that sister is going through and where the caregiver can help. A couple of times I've had to call the agency & insist that the caregiver does a couple of things in the care plan even if sister says she doesn't need it. Once I was told that it was being done, and I told them I have a picture showing that it wasn't. That prompted a good corrective change.
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If someone objects to a camera something is obviously wrong.

A picture is worth a thousand words!

People should be used to cameras by now. We have cameras in banks, in our stores, daycares and many other places. We have cameras pointing at us continuously.

Our governor has allowed us to place cameras in our nursing homes. My mom’s end of life hospice care home had cameras in every room and hallways.

I applaud you for having cameras in your home.

I also feel that nanny cams are great! I have a friend that had a bad experience with their nanny.

My friend hired a woman that had good references. She caught the woman drinking while she caring for her toddler. The nanny passed out on the couch and her toddler was running around unsupervised. She saw the whole thing on camera. My friend left her job, went home and fired her on the spot.
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This caregiver has some serious problems and should be replaced asap.
I used cameras for my parents and now a remaining aunt for safety reasons.

If the agency was aware of the cameras before there should be no issue now.
Helpful Answer (9)

I have had cameras (also approved and not hidden) when my mom was in a facility and now in a cottage next to my house for the past 5 years. She has dementia and does not have a voice. I am her voice and she is my responsibility. I have amazing caregivers who could care less if the camera is on. It is so scary to me that you have caregivers who block cameras or walk around without their shirt on. I would never allow this, they would be fired immediately. Anyone who is afraid to be observed doing their job should set off an alarm in your mind as to what type of care they are providing. I don't have camera's to "watch" the caregivers so much as to watch my mom and observe behavior changes when I can't be there and also occasionally pop in to see if it is a good time to visit (ie: is she sleeping, getting changed, eating, etc). I am not a voyeur who likes to watch my caregivers all day for the fun of it. People who are offended by camera's because they think people should be trusted should check my hours of footage of my mom being abused and neglected in facility when the cameras were obvious and it was posted that there were camera's present. I feel sorry for the memory care residents who did not have camera's, I can't even imagine the care they received. I you want to be an advocate for your loved one, you should have a camera...PERIOD.
Helpful Answer (9)


I posted earlier but I want to share a disturbing but humorous story with you about why my daughter loves having cameras in her dog’s daycare.

My daughter occasionally takes her dog to a doggy daycare when she has to work long hours, goes out of town or has other things to do where she will be away from home for a while.

She now refuses to use a daycare that doesn’t have cameras. Her old daycare in Denver had cameras and they were an awesome daycare.

Let me tell you why she feels so strongly about it. She left to go out of town and placed her dog (Siberian husky) in a daycare near her apartment. This place didn’t have cameras but had good reviews.

My husband offered to pick up the dog for my daughter at his daycare.

There were two huskies in the play yard. When the worker called for my daughter’s dog to come, the other dog came over to her. She didn’t check the tags because the dogs looked so similar. She brought the dog inside to the waiting area to give to my husband.

The dog ran over to my husband and my husband went out to the parking lot and the dog happily jumped into the car.

He came home. The dog ran up to me to play, then went over to the basket of toys that I keep for my grand dog.

The dog also went into the kitchen and ate food and drank water from the bowls. She did everything that my daughter’s dog did. She looked and behaved identical to my daughter’s dog. We thought it was my daughter’s dog. Who would suspect that they were given the wrong dog?

So, my daughter walks into our house and the dog immediately runs over to play. Suddenly, she screams, “Dad, this isn’t my dog!” My husband and I said, “What?” She freaks out! We freak out! She shows us the dog tags. Yep! It’s not her dog. She noticed a very slight difference on the black stripe on the fur.

She calls the daycare and says, “You gave my dad the wrong dog! Please see if my dog is there.”

The worker checked and thankfully her dog was still there.

She called the other woman from the phone number on the tags. She was lodging her dog while here on vacation.

My daughter called the other woman and said that she had been given her dog by accident. She told her that she was going to take her dog back to the daycare and pick up her dog.

My daughter said to us, “Oh, my gosh. The other woman could have picked up my dog and taken him back to North Carolina!”

So, now she boards him at Camp BowWow. They have cameras! She downloaded the app.

They have never mixed up any dogs. She can check in on him anytime she wants to. She feels more comfortable having cameras at his daycare. She put the app on my phone. I can check on him too. It’s comforting to be able to monitor him anytime he is at his daycare.
Helpful Answer (8)
JenUA1 May 2023
Oh my goodness!!! That is quite a crazy story!! I'm so glad everything turned out okay, but wow...just wow!!
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I hope you fired that agency ASAP. I'd be very upset about that caregivers behavior. Although not required, put up a few Video cameras in use signs Maybe the yellow smiley face kind.
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Yes, we have cameras in the living room, kitchen and my parents' bedroom - not in the bathroom or in the caregiver's guest room. I always let the caregivers know immediately during my initial orientation and hiring that we have 24/7 visual and auditory support so that my sister and I are able to monitor my parents. I have never had a caregiver or caregiver agency object to this and I have never had a caregiver attempt to move or modify a camera in any way. If anyone objected or tampered with it I would fire them immediately. This is not a negotiable policy. My family's peace of mind that my parents are safe and well cared for is supported by those cameras and they will remain there permanently You must fire anyone who objects to being observed - that speaks volumes!
Helpful Answer (8)

Hi there! I'm so sorry that you are dealing with some horrible caregivers. I'm a caregiver myself and have worked in several environment. Proud to say I have worked with Ms Doris Day until her passing. Camera is totally fine. If a caregiver is not doing anything wrong why would they be bothered by "family members " checking on their loved ones and their home? Where I'm working now (3 yrs & counting ) ,there's a camera inside my client's bedroom . That is where we watch tv . We all are good with the camera. I think the best thing that family members can do is inform the caregivers that there are cameras. If they are not ok with it well there are other jobs.

You do need to get rid of the Cg that are cussing and naked on the camera.
Helpful Answer (7)
JenUA1 May 2023
The agency did end up taking her off the case. She then threatened to take action against us. Yesterday, APS showed up at my loved one's house with claims that we are stealing her money and that one of my male family members is watching her undress on the cameras. We haven't yet heard from APS. We're not sure if we need to call the guy or wait for him to call us. It's all just an absolutely CRAZY situation. We've tried and tried to do everything we could think of to make sure my loved one is safe, happy, and comfortable, but it feels like trying to take care of her is now getting us "punished". We've obviously done nothing wrong, but when people are willing to go to great lengths to lie, you never know who might end up believing those lies. Sigh...
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