
My grandmother is 94, And in good health. She does have Dementia. I am looking for a place she can go to during the day socialize, maybe to some memory care therapy. She is for the most part well behaved and can do most things on her own with supervision.

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I had a great experience with sending my Husband to Adult Day Care. Worked great until they asked that I not bring him back.
Seems he wanted to leave when he wanted to, wanted to get on the bus it just so happened the first bus he got on was not his and they had a dickens of a time getting him off. But that was him....
From what you describe I think she would be a great candidate for Adult Day Program.
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All adult day care centers specialize in people with dementia. Seniors who don't have dementia usually go to the senior center in their area.

We have a nice one in my town where I worked for a while. They did have some rules. If a person was in diapers and totally incontinent they could not come to ours. Some places can accommodate that.

We had group activities like current events dicussion. There was no memory care therapy. There really is no such thing as memory care therapy.

If your mother is well behaved and still has a high level of independence she will probably love daycare. Try a few hours once or twice a week at first to test the waters. She may also benefit from having a paid companion to spend time with her and take her places. It's worth checking out.
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The Adult Daycare Center we have in my city is fabulous. They serve breakfast, lunch and a snack, and folks can leave their loved ones there up to 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.
They have different activities daily to keep folks entertained, and even offer a spa day, where your loved one can get a shower, hair washed and styled.
Of course there is a charge, but if money is an issue they do offer help with that as well.
And yes it is meant for folks that have any of the dementias.
Please see if you have one in your city and then go for a visit to check it out. I guarantee that you'll be impressed.
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