
My husband who was diagnosed with Alzheimer's 6 years ago has shown slot of progression. The latest is he will get up several times during the night. He thinks he has to go to the bathroom but once he goes nothing comes out. Also when he is in the bedroom during the day supposedly watched tv, all he does is stand by up around in the room. I don't know what to do anymore about this. He has an appointment coming up on August 19 and I will address it. In the meantime I'm seeing a cardiologist and have to get a ct. scan of the heart, just to make sure that I am okay. All of this has taken a toll on me because I'm all that he has to help, no family help whatsoever. I don't know what stage he is in. Yesterday I showed him pictures of his daughter from when she was young to now and he doesn't remember faces anymore. I help him with his shower only regulating the water temperature and then he showers okay on his own.Most of the time he is just not mentallythere anymore. Breaks my heart. I would love to hear everyone's suggestions. Thank you.

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Might be time to place him in MC you are in physical and mental burnout.

I agree with Alva make an appointment with an elder attorney to explore your financial options.

Sending support your way.
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I think that you are slowly coming to the realization that in facility care may be best for you both. Or will certainly be best for you and will keep him safe and allow you some respite and some joy in life. I would see an elder law attorney about division of assets choices and options and consider placement now.
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I agree it could be an enlarged prostate, which is an extremely common problem in men over 70. For some issues there are medications that will help him, if he cooperates in taking them. He should definitely get it checked because prostate cancer can be a concern. People with dementia are less able (if at all) to understand and express what is going on in their bodies. He may not be able to tell you any other symptoms or pain he is having. He could have a UTI, which is treatable.

Are you his PoA? Does he have the financial resources to hire some part-time in-home help to give you a break? Or, you can contact social services for your county and request an in-home assessment for services, like light housekeeping, food prep, hygiene help, transportation, etc. Also, adult daycare may be an option if he has the funds for it.
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Cheeky79 Aug 4, 2024
I am his poa. I had that done way before he became worse in the disease. I also am beneficiary for his life insurance policy. He is a retired NYC bus driver.
Could be His prostrate . Ask Doctor to check .
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