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My mother is in a NH with Parkinsons, stroke and dementia. I can't figure out what her process will be as it probably depends on which she succumbs to first. Personally I hope it's a stroke as she'll just be gone with no lingering and suffering.
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Justme, its not that strange - they call it the "golden glow" and *a lot* of people will seem to rally or perk up a bit right before they pass on. Not sure what the physiology of it is really is, but for many its a chance to sneak in that last "I love you, I'll miss you and thank you!" For me, it was Mom getting a little wheelchair stroll around a garden and enjoying it - hadn't been up for that in a while, let alone actually appreciating a bit of nature! - and eating one last piece of pizza with us the night before she passed away. For you and grandma, it's the end of a long struggle...I hope it is peaceful enough, and leaves you with a good memory and at least the knowledge that you wre there for her! Hugs...prayers...
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My mum has just died from the illnesses related to dementia kidney failure pneumonia she kept crying out with pain we gave her strong pain killers in the end she did not know me when she came out of the hospital it took her only 2 weeks n she died at home I held her hand just as she was about to die she opened up her eyes and called my name I then felt the life come out of her always telling her I loved her when she was alive n dead it was a nice feeling that she called out my name I hope she was not scared maybe with having the dementia she did not know she was dying n that has to be a good thing
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