I took my Mom to her GP recently, and spoke to him about her increasing anxiety whenever I am out of her sight. She seems to need me to be around at all times, and it's creating a huge problem for me! Even if I go out to the yard for 20 minutes, telling her I'm going ahead of time when she is lying on her couch for a little snooze, the next thing I hear her calling all over for me, and acting like a child who's been left alone at the park or something. It really is making me crazy. The Dr. suggested Lexapro, low dose. I just hate to give her medications (she takes lots already for cardiac issues), and I'm wondering if anyone has used Lexapro, and what for, and did it help?? Thanks for any feedback.
Every elderly patient reacts sooo differently to medications... Something that was suppose to help just made matters worse....
Gma is currently on Prozac. We call it by the generic around her becuase she is very sensitive to the brand recognition and refuses to take it if we call it by the brand name. (She says Prozac is for crazy people.) She takes it for severe anxiety (she would pull her hair and scream!) and has been on it for 2 years and it has been great for her. No episodes. She also takes it in conjunction with hearts meds with no issues.
And I wonder if it isn't normal for an elder to be anxious when they are dependent on someone and left alone.