She can't walk or bath on her own. I would get 28 hours off a week. Is that a good wage? I would not be able to leave except for a the 28hrs/wk. divided between 3 days. I would have my own small room. I also have a lot of boxes i would have to store in his garage which he isn't real happy with. but has made a some room for. I think I may have to get a storage SMALL storage unit. She is 94 and needs help with everything. Is this a fair wage?
Does she often need assistance during the night? How likely are you to need to get up during the night?
According to what I can find online, typical live-in care costs are $160 to $250 per day. Google caregiver costs by state and find a list by caregiverlist. Look up Colorado on that list. This would not be what you are paid -- it is what an agency charges. The agency handles tax withholding, vacation, may offer health care benefits, etc. You might go check out an agency to see what you would be paid by them for this kind of work and what you would be expected to do. That will give you a better basis for considering the current offer.
Pam has very good advice about getting it in writing if you accept this offer.
In an area like Miami, were there is an abundance of unskilled, questionably documented workers, I can tell you that the going rate for 5 days a week for a live in nanny or caregiver for the elderly was $300 two years ago. I can also assure you these folks have no formal agreement and are not paying taxes.
I know numerous people who have live in housekeepers, nannys or elder caregivers(not medically skilled, just experience with the elderly). Fair? Probably not, but fairness is not what determines wages.
If this is the job you want or you need then do it proudly.
Best of luck to you.
Your duties need to be spelled out. Too many sign up just to feed and bathe then the employer adds cleaning, cooking, laundry, chauffeur service, etc.
Get it all in written form and both of you sign it.
$400/week divided by 7 days in a week = $57.14/day
$57.14/day divided by 24 hrs/day = $2.38/hour
If you're a live-in I'm assuming that you'll be either working or on-call 24 hours a day minus your days off which I haven't figured in.
You may be only saving about $750/month is room, board, and WiFi but you're still going to be making just $2.38/hour.
This is not a good deal and this person who's offering this is trying to get away with highway robbery.
If you worked 140 hours a week (which is 24/7 minus your days off) at the competitive wage of $10/hour you'd make $1,400/week.
If you worked 40 hours a week x $10.00/hour that's $400/week. Which is what you're being offered only you have to work 100 more hours a week.
Don't do it.
If "he" is unhappy with you storing boxes in the garage, then chances are he'll soon find other things to complain about. This sounds like a nightmare waiting to happen. Run away! Run far, far away!
So. "Not happy about" storing your personal items in his garage? That's a pretty good indication of how your services are valued, in my opinion.
Still, if it works for you? *Shrug* Personally, I wouldn't want a loved one doing it; and most assuredly wouldn't do it myself. It's a great deal of responsibility; and sure sounds like it's starting out with this "his" not appreciating what you're doing,
I don't see this ending well, frankly.