
My father stopped  taking his Dementia meds, Seroquel, Trazodone and Aricept. My dad 83 yrs old, has Alzheimer's and Dementia. His neurologist prescribed meds to help calm him down for his hallucinations and to sleep at night. He' been taking them for 1.5- 2yrs. Now he hs abruptly stopped taking them,

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FYI, some meds cannon be ground. Ask the pharmacist before doing this.
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He now requires someone to administer his meds.
My dad gets 15 medications a day all ground up and placed in the g tube. Yesterday he asked me why he has the g tube and reminded me he hasn't had a hot meal in 1 1/2 years. It's really been 3 years. Mom gets her Trazodone every evening. This is prescribed medication for illness. They don't get a vote.
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willide, you are right stopping those suddenly can get ugly very quickly, insomnia, vomiting, delirium. I hope you live close by and have alerted the police and fire department that things are going to happen tonight.
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I don't think a home is the answer. I wonder if there is another way the doctor can suggest he gets his pills... somehow you will have to trick him into taking them... that is why I thought if there was something - like we have Depakote sprinkles, and those go right into the food and 'melt'....
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When he becomes symptomatic (starts having delusions, becomes violent), call 911 and have him admitted. They may be able to adjust his meds.
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Thanks for your responses. He just said they are not helping him so he is not taking anymore meds. But they calm him down and this helps my mom who lives with him (and has heart problems) b/c he sees people and walks thru the house all night if not taking something. She doesn't want to put him in a home and she is the next of kin. Not sure how to handle this.
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Can you ground them up and slowly see about weaning him off of them? Maybe you could put a 1/2 in his food like powdered until you are able to get him off of them; IF he should even come off them at all... Did he tell you why he stopped? I know with our loved ones with dementia they think they don't need their meds, but I just wondered if he said why. I would definitely call his doctor and inform them of this 'change'. Not sure about this being 'the time' to put him in a nursing home though. But it is time to let the doctor know and ask for suggestions.
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He's going to land in the hospital. That is the right time to have him placed in a nursing home or memory care. Alert his 911 service to his condition, to prevent him from being mishandled or even shot.
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do your best.. tthe ones that calm him down at least. I'm not sure we saw much change when we stopped the others
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