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Father in law. Time to move out. There are many senior living places. Time for you to live your own life.
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There’s an old saying never interfere with a partners family or kids let them deal
however frustrating this is I can’t help but think it applies here - any scolding should be done via your wife
it just keeps arguments low
not that it’s right - but even like a step child - you should allow the parent to scold it
ok- that said
you’ve reached a pretty drastic point now which is affecting a good remedy really
you need to look at options of where father I-L can go- as he needs to go. It’s clear your health and peace has been affected by him
you need to find out legally who can help/where he can go if there isn’t another relative willing to take him
the problem with old parents is some feel very entitled and once pampered can show some pretty awful behaviour
your wife loves her father so everything must be a heavy burden on her.
look fir options for where he can go- speak to his doctor/legal if u can/any age concern help? But he needs to move out
once you find somewhere - fir your wife’s sake it would be helpful to try and put differences into a box
you won’t have to visit him
but it would be good for your wife
it doesn’t mean you have to like him just be civil to him
Once a place has been found make arrangements then his daughter needs to update the time has come fir him to move out and you have organised xx place
that may not be easy
and the possible guilt your wife may feel doing that to her father justifies you to help really and bite ur tongue
it was a mistake to take him in but now it’s happened try and make the break civil
this isn’t having a go at you btw - neither is it justifying father in laws behaviour
a peaceful solution will
help the family
good luck
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MiaMoor Sep 15, 2024
I agree, Jenny. Except, I would say that the couple should present a united front and that the OP should be there, supporting his wife when she tells her father that they will help him to find somewhere else for him to live. It would help all of their relationships if they were to part ways.
Your FIL won't change his behavior unless he has to.
You could kick him out and make him take responsibility for his own life. Even "poor" people find housing solutions.

It sounds like your wife is happy with having him there, or maybe she just has more patience with him. I agree with sentiments that this living situation is creating a negative environment for an infant to grow up in.

If FIL living with you is the only option for now, could you find an adult day care program for him? Perhaps it would be good for him - allow him to socialize with others and get him out of the house for a while. Some programs even offer transportation to and from. Has he applied for medicaid? Medicaid could make more options available to him. I don't think you mention his age or health status, but with medicaid, if he qualifies, he could move to a nursing home.

His presence in your home is putting you in a very bad mood. Not good for you and not good for your family. Not sure why he came to live with you in the first place, but he is taking advantage instead of being a responsible adult. Time for him to go!
Helpful Answer (3)

I understand your rage. Frankly, I'd be the same if I were in your shoes. I hope you understand that though you may never intend it, that rage will spill over in how you treat your wife and baby. You need him out as soon as possible. He will never move. Please sit calmly with your wife and tell him this needs to change immediately becasue this situation is intolerable. And tell her that you are going to find a place for him and pack his bags and move him. The calmer you speak to your wife, the more she will listen because as a woman (from personal experience) if a man, even a husband, comes at me with extreme anxiety and emotion and anger, I shut down. When you find the place for your FIL, you tell him that you will be moving him on ____ date and then you do it. If you then have to evict him, it's easy enough to tell a judge that he has a new home so he will not be out in the street. and PLEASE see a counselor to help you with the rage. I totally understand you -- I really do!! A counselor will help you. And then you can work on your marriage and family so you can finally get some peace. I wish you well. Your situation is intolerable.
Helpful Answer (4)

TC, sounds like you need a reset, and FAST before you really are alone like you say you want to be.
All three of you may very well be right.
You may have rules for FIL that to you are completely reasonable and appropriate.
Your wife may be correct that your rules are not all reasonable and appropriate.
Neither of those things matter one whit if your FIL is not going to follow rules no matter how reasonable and appropriate they are.

Truth: this situation is not working and in a family (which consists of you, your wife and your child), if things are not working for everyone, they need to be reevaluated and changed. You may need help with this or you and your wife may be able to agree to push the reset button all by yourselves.
There may or may not be a compromise here but if you continue this way, your wife’s rage and lack of respect is going to grow to match your own - but will be directed toward YOU.
Good luck getting her to consider your side after that.
Tell her you love her. Apologize for letting your anger get the best of you. Tell her you cannot continue living like this. Ask her if she would be willing to look at options for restoring your family.
Ask her to read this thread so she can get some other perspectives.
Helpful Answer (5)
MiaMoor Sep 15, 2024
I agree.
How old is he? Sounds like he has Dementia. Does he see a doctor? Is he on medication?
Helpful Answer (2)
MiaMoor Sep 15, 2024
My stepfather doesn't shower. He has neglected his personal hygiene for many years now. He does, however, wash clothes and dishes, tidy (to his standards) and do some cleaning (again, to his standards); he just doesn't notice the dirt or smells that the rest of us do.
See 2 more replies
When my mother was alive, she talked constantly I chose to be the one to take her to the doctor and I got though it by timing her silences. It was a little game I played with myself to get me through the time I was trapped in the car with her.

Perhaps you can hire a cleaning lady or guy for his room only, someone who can get him to shower occasionally and keep the room clean once a week. He may be incapable of doing the cleaning himself.
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MargaretMcKen Sep 15, 2024
Rubbish! There is nothing that says that this guy isn't perfectly capable of cleaning 'his room only', in fact cleaning the rest of the house as well. A 'little game' of silence on one side won't work with the guy when he is "just blabbering on about how's he going to get in shape and start walking and eating better, blah blah". The FIL has to go if this marriage is going to survive.
The comments against the wife, here, for simply doing what so many others on this forum have done, is astounding.
Actually, the misogyny is depressing.

Perhaps it's because I live in the UK, where women get proper maternity leave, including being allowed up to a year off before needing to put the baby into nursery or hiring a childminder, but comments about the husband earning a wage giving him more say and more rights is unbelievable to me. (Btw, very few women do take that long, or they share the leave with their partner. Yes, paternity leave is a thing, here, too.)
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MargaretMcKen Sep 15, 2024
No it's not misogyny, and it's not depressing to call it out. Many 'children' put up with far too much, many 'partners' are told to suck it up. And yes, money talks, even in a marriage, even in the UK (of which I am a citizen) or the ex-colonies like Oz (of which I am also a citizen), and even more in much of the rest of the world. Open your eyes!
I would love to see the admins shut this down to comment.
I'll self-report my post here to ask them to do so. Up to them, then, and I will sure be done with what now is just argument between ourselves.
I think tc got some good advice on both sides.

tcjaynes, the OP who wrote us 6th September, was very responsive the day he wrote. He at one point expressed his shock at some of the things we said regarding his post. He said he came here primarily to vent.
That's great, but it also means he isn't much seeking help.
He said finally that he wanted to know a way to shut down his post so that he was never tempted to come back again. And he HAS NOT COME BACK again. Which leaves it now pretty much argument between ourselves.

I wish tc and wife and FIL the best of luck, but I think he is done with us. He himself requested the thread be shut down. I hope it is.
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