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So I'm glad you cleared that up now, so what I think you are really asking is how do I get my FIL out of the house when he has no money?
Helpful Answer (1)
Tcjayness Sep 6, 2024
Yes. Well that and how do I convince her, because she doesn’t want to feel the guilt of abandoning her dad? I mean every situation is different, I dunno why I’m asking strangers on the internet. I could write a verrrry long essay on all that’s went down
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"I just want to be left alone and for him to follow the rules, but she thinks the rules are unfair. I think they are perfectly fair. Any advice on how to better handle the situation?"

So you don't want him to move out, you just want him to follow the rules you have made for him which is that 6 days a week he needs to be confined to his room when you are home - WHAT part of this is a good solution to the problem you have?

Seriously man - get a clue and have a conversation with your wife about dad moving out. Then when you are both in agreement you talk to FIL and give him a date when you expect him to be out of your house. What is so difficult about this?

I can't imagine bringing a infant into this mess with you being hostile and angry to your FIL when the problem here is that your wife is refusing to tell her father that he has to leave and doesn't seem to care that you no longer want him in your house.

I typed ALL this and then read your replies below and I am not going to delete all that I wrote above. I mean why post all that drama and then try to minimize it all with your answers below? It's not that bad but.....fill in the blank. The reality is it is that bad so please stop trying to say it isn't. Maybe if you get a stroke or heart attack from the stress of having FIL in your house it will be a wake up call for you and your wife. Or maybe wife will move you into a facility and keep dad at home.

Basically you don't want him to move out because you want his $600 a month rent to offset your costs and your baby is 8 months old (why couldn't this be mentioned in the original post above?) And now it is only 3 hours a day you don't want to see him because the rest of the time you, your wife and baby are not even at home? How does this solve the problem of him being a slob and all the other things you posted above? The answer - it doesn't.

If you can't afford your house and living expenses without FIL's help then maybe it is time to find a new living situation that you can afford without rental assistance from FIL. How many decades are you willing to keep this man under your roof?
Helpful Answer (5)
Tcjayness Sep 6, 2024
lol your barn door comment down below is actually pretty funny, got a kick out of that. Anyways, I knew I never should have posted here, couldn’t even write half of what I wanted because of the character limit. Long story short I’ve been trying to get him moved out for a long time. We don’t need his money, he needs ours. He has medical issues so the wife doesn’t want him living alone, so basically he would need assisted living and that’s more money than we want to fork out. I love my wife and don’t want to get divorced because I think what she is doing is coming from a good place so I’m just figuring out how to cope with it until something happens that’s the final straw
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You’re fooling yourself if any part of you believes this mess and tension doesn’t overflow into your marriage and home life. Your wife is constantly being caught between trying to please you and appease dad, not to mention care for a baby. That baby will grow into a resentful child in no time, seeing the friction, hearing the tirades, smelling the poor hygiene. No one is at peace in this home, including the dad who surely on some level realizes he isn’t wanted there. Finances are not an excuse, neither is being the surviving spouse, he needs his own place and the home needs to be reclaimed and made peaceful. Please act in the best interests of all before you all hate each other
Helpful Answer (12)
Anxietynacy Sep 6, 2024
I'm wondering where you said you can't move him out because you can't afford to, with the baby coming.

Why can't you afford to, is it because he is helping out with the bills?

Or is it because you are thinking you will have to help him out financially?

That really makes a difference on things here.

Second of all I get what you are saying, when your done, your done. I'm very much that type of person to. But if this man is living there and helping to support you , you really need to find a way to deal with it

Your anger is not healthy for you, your family, and utmost important is the baby. The beautiful life that is growing inside of your wife, made out of love doesn't deserve this tension. The baby isn't even here yet and he/she is all ready dealing with the stress both of you men are putting your wife under

So please, get control of this. I do completely understand your feelings, but it's not all about you anymore.

I hope things get better for all of you best of luck
Helpful Answer (1)
Anxietynacy Sep 6, 2024
Oh, sorry I missed the post about 600 a month, yeah seriously, isn't your sanity worth more to you and your wife than 600 a month.

There has to be ways to cut back on things to make up that 600 .
Throw him out. So what if he pays you $600 a month and buys some groceries. It's not worth it. Even with a baby, $600 a month isn't going to make or break you.

If your FIL is so poor as you say, he would qualify for subsidized housing. If he's as gross as you describe him, he won't mind living somewhere nasty.

Now, your wife is the one disrespecting you. If she takes up for him in front of you and you need to put her in her place with that crap yesterday. I've had two husbands and I will tell you something. If either one of them ever contradicted me or took someone else's side on something in front me, that would be it. I would never do that myself either. If one spouse has something to say to the other or a bone to pick, that gets done in private.

Your FIL is disrepsecting you, his daughter, and your home. He doesn't clean up his room?

You clean it. Pack his nasty stuff up in garbage bags and throw it on the curb. You've got a baby coming. You can't have a gross and unsanitary home.

You may actually have to legally evict him. If you don't want him there and he refuses to leave, he will have to be forced to. It's not your fault he's a disgusting slob who's depressed. He's depressed because he's a digusting slob. That's on him and he's the only one who can help himself.

Your wife and you have to stop enabling his lifestyle and get him evicted from your home. He can pay his $600 a month and be a boarder in someone else's home. Though I don't think his filthy and disgusting habits will be tolerated for very long.

Please, go to the courthouse and have him served with legal eviction papers.
Helpful Answer (6)

I too am concerned for the precious new life that'll be coming into this very explosive and dysfunctional situation soon. It is so very unfair to your child to have to live in such a volatile mess.
Surely you realize that your child deserves SO much better right?
The bottom line is that your FIL needs to get out of your house sooner than later, before the birth of your baby, and you don't pay for him to move, he pays for himself.
And yes you and your wife need to be in couples counseling, if you're wanting your marriage to work. And you need to be in personal therapy for your anger issues, as your anger should concern you as well.
Your home life sounds like pure hell to me. Our homes are supposed to be our safe places and our sanctuaries, but yours doesn't sound like either for anyone and as the man of your home that should be the biggest red flag ever, especially since you have a child that you'll be bringing into this very sick and dysfunctional home soon.
So man up and start doing what is best for your wife and your child.
Helpful Answer (3)

I should clarify. The room is more like a suite. Its enclosed by a barn door with his own bathroom, shower, and room, and small hallway. He gives us $600/m plus buys a few groceries. And while I'm not home, which is most of the day, hes welcome to roam freely. He's actually welcome to roam freely any time, just not hang out in the living room while we are at home. Which is really only a couple of hours a day from like 6-9pm then he sleeps.
Helpful Answer (1)
AlvaDeer Sep 6, 2024
I should clarify, as well.
It is my personal opinion that not only does your marriage need help, but you, yourself needs help.
You are calling your FIL a "worthless slob" and "pest" and an "a**hole."
You speak of "huge fights".
You speak of "losing it" with him.
You have serious anger issues.

As I said, I fear for any baby born into your home at this time and in these circumstances. My heart bleeds for any pregnant woman living through this. Though you do make the point SHE is "in his face" as well.
It is now known that babies an suffer even while in utero.

Now you are telling us that you have a veritable "suite" for your FIL. Fine, go to an elder law attorney with Dad and the wife (will that keep everyone, hopefully, from exploding with anger) and make a care contract. This care contract will include a portion of the cost of home mortgage, maintenance, electric and heat and food.

And this agreement will stipulate WHAT AREAS are private and when they are. It will stipulate how often you will reassess if this whole thing is working for EVERYONE. The day it is NOT working for someone then it is DONE AND OVER. And he moves out and takes his financial help elsewhere with one month notice or you QUIETLY and GENTLY evict him.

Surely as a cognizant human being you understand that FIL isn't going to get BETTER? And that things are going to get HARDER? And that, if you are a family that bickers and explodes and reacts with fury then your lives will be a Hades on earth no matter WHO you live with?

Again, I fear for the baby.
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I would seek marriage counseling at once. I am very worried for the future of a new life brought into this unhappy situation. This is a marital problem more than a caregiving problem. Both you and wife have decision to make for your future. You may not be able to stay together if you cannot come to a good conclusion through counseling, but it is crucial for your little one's well being that you co parent together well. This would be a dreadful environment for a new little baby. I worry for you all.
Helpful Answer (9)
tcjaynes Sep 6, 2024
Appreciate the honest opinion. The baby is 8 months old now and she lives in a very loving environment and is very well taken care of. I understand your concern about my anger, you're probably right, but that does not flow over into my child or the rest of my life. It's really only geared towards him but none-the-less you're probably right. I need to shift my perspective so that there's no tension in myself or within the home
You say, "We tried to get him to move out but it was going to be too expensive with the baby." How much rent is FIL paying you to live in your home with you forcing him to stay in his room and loathing him?
Helpful Answer (5)
tcjaynes Sep 6, 2024
I should clarify. The room is more like a suite. Its enclosed by a barn door with his own bathroom, shower, and room, and small hallway. He gives us $600/m plus buys a few groceries. And while I'm not home, which is most of the day, hes welcome to roam freely. He's actually welcome to roam freely any time, just not hang out in the living room while we are at home. Which is really only a couple of hours a day from like 6-9pm then he sleeps.
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