
My mother is constantly grandstanding for attention. She will be 87 this September 11th. Example of her self absorption: Why did that have to happen on MY birthday?!
Ok, now you’ve got the picture. She is in good health although she wears two hearing aids and has limited bouts with vertigo. We are trying to find a doctor who can listen to her million imagined aliments and give her a strong talking to. We are exhausted. Big surprise. She just spent three days in the hospital because she told the doctor she was coughing up blood. Reality…she vomited some prunes she had for breakfast. After a battery of tests the doctor said nothing was wrong, the insurance company wouldn’t pay for her to stay any longer so he was discharging her. We need someone to suggest a geriatric psychiatrist but this MD she is seeing now says she is one hundred percent sane.
Apparently, you can test for coo-koo but not manipulation.

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Even though the original posting was back in 2011, this might help for others... in my case, my parents were seeing a Geriatric specialist and I thought she was doing an excellent job, but my parents didn't seem to like her.

Now I have switched my parents over to a regular primary doctor who is also an urgent care physician.... this young fellow has good bedside manners, always smiling, but isn't afraid to read the riot act when need be.... such as telling my Dad NOT TO SHOVEL SNOW at 93 years old. For some reason my Dad paid attention to him saying that compared to their previous Geriatric specialist. Thus having a doctor who is male worked better for my parents.
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Wow! You win the prize for insensitivity and lack of compassion. You still have your Mom and she's 87 years old! What a blessing. The productive and happy years of her life are behind her and she's lonely and isolated. She's "grandstanding" for attention because she senses how little you care about her, as well as the possibility that she has early stages of dementia which can manifest in these kinds of behavior. My guess is she was there for you all your childhood years when you spent most of your waking hours "grandstanding" for attention. She did her time with an obviously self-centered child. Now it's your turn. Step up to the plate and do the right thing. You're the one that needs a strong talking to. Shame on you for your lack of caring. When you find a good geriatrician to treat your Mom's health needs, of which there are far more than what you are aware of, go to her appointments with her so that she feels supported and cared for and so the specialist in the issues facing your mother can explain them to you and what your role is in her care. Just remember this . . . YOUR DAY IS COMING. You will be old and in the way one day and what goes around comes around. If you have kids, they're watching how you treat your mother.
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Loujones3, they are called geriatric gynecologist.
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I do not see an answer.
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What to you call a gynecologist for the older woman?
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You can Google for the Geriatric specialist in your area or contact the hospital and ask. If her Internist has a social worker they may be able to recommend one as well. You can also contact your local Area on Aging and ask for a referral as well. Good luck and deep breathe. Blessings Bridget
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