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Attorneys typically assist with the forms you mention. There is a popular form used by some hospitals for health care issues. If you do a search for '5 wishes' I believe that you can read about aging with dignity and being able to express your wishes. Some financial institutions have their own POA forms. Use of them would be limited to that institution. It wouldn't help with transfer of property such as cars or real estate. You may find a free legal clinic or law school that would help with drawing a WIll or some of these forms.
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Carol, if you lived in the States, it would be best to contact an Elder Law Attorney as each State has their own laws regarding Power of Attorney, Wills, etc.

Sharing forms or getting forms off the internet is not advised. All it takes is one wrong word or one missing word to create a nightmare. It is so much better to have the knowledge of an Elder Law Attorney where you can ask questions back and forth. Such as the difference between a Will and a Living Will.
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