
What is FTD? Sorry, I am new to all these things that many of you have dealt with for years.

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I read ur first post and now that you have mentioned ur DH has FTD the anger he shows makes sense. The frontal lobe is where your emotions are. Your husband could get aggressive or violent. If he hits an aide or you, the police need to be called. He may be 93 but they can become very strong. If this ever happens, he needs to be placed. He will need a cocktail of Meds to keep him calm.
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This will be a long, hard education. Start on the internet which has just a flood of information on Frontal Temporal Dementia. We are just on the cusp of learning to differentiate dementias, and that's such a good thing, because they all manifest differently. Not long ago, when I was in nursing, a patient was simply labeled "senile" and on you went.

Welcome to Forum. Come back to us when you have specific questions for us in caregiving your elder with his unique diagnosis. You aren't alone here.
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Because your husband showtimes for his sons and they don't believe his diagnosis (from your profile info), consider taking a video of him while he is sundowning to show them what you are dealing with. I'm sorry that you are part of this sorority now... but this forum will give you great support.
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Frontotemporal degeneration, it is a type of dementia.
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betskand Apr 2023
Oh, thanks! Lately I seem to be reading nothing but information about dementia. The veterans use a lot of acronyms for things that would be a pain to type out. Thanks for the link, I'll be using it often.
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