I've heard some good things - cognitive improvement, mood improvement and as another benefit, it also helps pain related to osteoarthritis. But of course, it's not without it's potential side effects - long term amnesia, hallucinations, nausea and anxiety, to name a few. Not to mention, it's not covered by medicare and pretty pricy, too.
I'd love to hear of anyone's experience.
Given that ketamine is a powerful hallucinogenic I would myself (history is as an RN) be very hesitant to be in on any beginning of experimental drugs for dementia that ARE hallucinogens.
I have very good things about it and PTSD; I have even heard that our own federal government was allowing for some treatments of vets in Canada with hallucinogenic drugs when it was not possible to give them in the USA. I have also heard good results with hallucinogens and people with cancer who were terminal and experiencing a lot of fear of death. I believe 60 minutes even had a program abour that.
So I would be in the wait and see category, myself. There are move brave souls than I am myself, but if you have someone in the throes of dementia already having a lot of problems, and it were to be mentioned to me by a neuro-psyc, I would be open to discussion; in many cases there is not a whole lot to lose.
Would sure be interested if anyone has any experience here, and will be following you interesting question.