
Is anyone else coming across this Health Care Model in services for the senior? In two rehabilitation centers for physical therapy. etc. for my mother when I would call to speak to the MD pr Nurse Practitioner, the receptionist would refer me to the social worker I guess for an eventual family team meeting. But the social worker can't explain technical medical information. The social worker for a home care service we have seems to be the go between with the health care proxy and the physician's assistant. Maybe she is just a really good social worker; she reached out to me to call the physician's assistant. I am thinking if the PA needs to reach me he would call me directly, correct?

Do others feel as HCP they are constantly given tasks by the health professionals and possible family members. Many of these tasks may be inappropriate and not what falls under the official signed HCP agreement.

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What tasks are you being asked to do that don't fall under HCP.
My understanding of HCP is you carry out the wishes of another. If they have stated "no feeding tube" then you tell the doctors no feeding tube. If its something not covered in the directive that has to do with the persons health, then u make the decision based on the info received and what you feel the person would want. What else are they asking you to do?

Just skimmed your other posts. Seems like you have been having problems for a while dealing with these professionals. What seems to be the main problem.
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They are now using this as a wait to "gate-keep" for questions that aren't appropriate to MD. They "sort it" if you will.
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JoAnn29 Dec 2023
That makes sense.
I am sorry, I don't understand the question. Are you legally Moms Healthcare proxy? If so, why are you not calling the Doctor directly. Where I live the doctor is associated with Rehab but not there 24/7. In Rehab your there for Physical therapy so its the Therapist u should be talking to. Drs usually look at the medications and prescribe them. Are the ones that discharge. You really do not see much of them, Their practices are off sight.

Do you go to the Rehab, then talk to the Nurses, the DON. The therapist. You should be having care meetings. Is your HCP on file with them?
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Are you your Mother's MPoA or Medical Representative? Is the social worker the Medical Representative for your Mom? Maybe because there is no legal assignment of an advocate but the facility feels like your Mom needs someone to do it for her, and it's not you if you don't have that legal authority? You don't get to be someone's legal/medical representative just because you're related to them (an this may vary by state).
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