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My sister and I faced the same problem. We purchased a heavy duty tool box with two tiers (morning meds / evening meds), and lock both tiers with Briggs or Master Locks. We take out meds for each day, never more, and place them in the daily pill dispenser. That way, daddy felt he was somewhat in control, but we knew we had him totally protected. We hid the box ... minor inconvenience for us, but nothing compared to the worry we had when he was waking up at midnight and took his morning pills, then waking up at 4 and again at 7ish and thinking he hadn't taken his morning pills yet! You have to protect them from themselves.
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Lock them up. Pure and simple. A box, a cupboard, whatever. The caregiver is responsible. Take charge. Don't argue.
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I have a similar problem for the guy I'm grandpa-sitting...
Sometimes he forgets he's been given his pill, so goes looking for them to take another. I try to keep them out of sight, but he knows where they usually are & will go to great lengths to find them. There's nowhere to lock them up.
I thought about finding candy that looks alike, so he can take as many as he wants.

The family & other caregiver don't even try to hide meds from him.
For example, I always put the laxative on the highest shelf in the kitchen, behind a cabinet door, because he's short & I'm tall & he can't get to it...
because if he can he'll take several doses in a day (he forgets that he's poo'd recently), then spend the next couple days messing his pants repeatedly, which is a pain for the caregivers too (showers, changing clothes, gross laundry).

But again, the family & other caregiver keep putting it on the counter where he can get to it! Very frustrating.
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I agree with getting a lockbox & putting it someplace the patient can't get to it.
If that has to be in the basement (because they can't go downstairs), fine.
Or in the car (but not in hot weather).
Be sure it has a cable to attach to the car (frame, or the trunk latch loop, or part of the seat frame), or something solid that's attached to the house, so the person can't move it somewhere & work on it in secret.

For my personal meds, the really interesting ones with street value (which I rarely take anyway) are in my safe with my non-carry pistols & important papers.
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There are some high tech pill boxes that automaticlly dispense only when it is time. That way the box would be the demon and not you at least :-), but maybe he could even learn to trust the thing and might like the little bit of independence from caregiver telling him everything. E-pill is one, and you can Google automatic locking pill dispensers for more.
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I have to say this funny thing. When my dad was alive, he commonly stole pain pills from my mother and put them in his pocket. My mother found them commonly when doing laundry and told me about it. After a week or so, I asked my mother what she had figured out what to do. She told me that she found an answer. "I cut holes in his pockets and they just fall to the floor." Oh,,,,,that sounds like a good plan, indeed.....
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Re: the Philips device with a $49/month charge. No way. Completely too expensive, and NOT necessary to rent something you can OWN. Do the math-- $49 a month is about 3 or 4 times more than buying it. Or just get a lock box. Or hide the medications in maxi-pad box (eh, maybe not, men with dementia might have forgotten the taboo).
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I'll trade husbands with you, since mine has a fit when I give him medicines.How does that sound? marymember
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I'm afraid I don't appreciate this "problem." If I want to hide something from my dementia husband, I hide it and there is no way he can ever find it. Why is a hiding place such a problem?
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Frankly, If someone locked up my meds and I wanted them, I would destroy the container. Fortunately, I don't take any meds. What I would suggest is one of those fire proof safes. I wouldn't be able to open that and neither would he. Hide it someplace that you frequently go and he seldom goes - maybe the laundry room?? Don't be seen bringing meds out of that room. Fix them up while he's sleeping or while you're making wash day noises - like running the dryer. My husband would never find anything in the laundry room. It's like the old joke, "honey where do we keep the dishwasher." If he is someone that does laundry, then you will have to think of something else.
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You go to Target and you buy a safe with a combination and you put all of his medications inside and you give them to him when he needs them. It is easier if you fill the plastic boxes once a week and then they are ready when needed.

I will never forget the day my mother plopped down in front of me holding all the bottles of her take them, when she had already been given all her meds. If she had taken these and I was unaware I do not know what would have happened but it scared the crap out of me!

Do it fast and stand your ground if he gets angry with you.
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Have your husband care for by professionals and relieve your frustration of watching him
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