They came and said that the other company that my Mom has her medical equipment with would have to come and pick up their things because they will be ordering everything through hospice. She already has a hospital bed. When I asked about my concern with transferring, she said she would mention it to the nurse. Should I just not worry about until the new bed comes? The other bed was ordered through PCP.
If the hospital bed is rented then the Hospice probably works with a different supplier of DME.
It is possible that they want a also a different mattress.
I am sure your Mom will not have a problem adjusting.
The pick up of existing prescribed equipment will not be removed till the new equipment is delivered.
The hospice company probably has a contract with a different DME than the one supplying beds now.
That happened to us when oxygen use after Medicare required oxygen suppliers to competitively bid. The excellent company we had for some time decided not to participate in the bidding (war), so we had to switch to one of the winners.