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Calling 911 for him hitting you is totally different from his being picked up on the road. I would call a desk officer, tell him what you told us, and ask his/her advice on how to proceed to get him out of the house and away from you, especially when he's violent, but you may not have the time then, set up a plan in advance.
Maybe he could be taken in and put on a 72 hour psych hold, while you get your ducks in a row. Women's shelters have very good advice for what to do in cases of abuse, ALZ or not. There was a woman in our town who was eventually killed by her husband, who had ALZ; please don't let that happen to you! God bless...
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Your DH needs to be placed in a Memory Care home or a Skilled Nursing Facility if you don't have funds; apply for Medicaid to fund his care in a SNF. He needs to be deemed incompetent due to his dementia/Alzheimer's, and then YOU can place him once that happens. It's not okay that he is hitting you. Not okay at ALL, disease or no disease! If you wind up calling 911 after another incident and he is taken to the ER, tell them you cannot possibly take him home with you due to his violent outbursts, and that the social worker needs to find placement for him.

In the meantime, perhaps you can put his medications in his food so he's getting them on a regular basis. Or see if it's okay to grind them up first so he doesn't see that he's taking a pill.

Make sure to let the doctor know that he's getting a lot worse and see what her recommendations are as well.

Wishing you the best of luck moving forward
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Yes, the doctor knows. I currently have an email to her, to tell her he has not been taking his meds regularly, and has been getting worse. He just went to see the doctor on March 6.

Everybody says to call 911. That's how all this started. He drove off and the cops pulled him over and took him to the hospital. He was there for two weeks. I had a lawyer and had a petition for him to be involuntarily committed to a mental facility. It was denied. They said they would just be babysitting. He has been home with me ever since. So I'm afraid if I call 911, it will just happen again. They may not even keep him over night.
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I hope you have spoken to the doctor about this because there may be medications that can help. I think it can also depend on why he is lashing out and whether or not there is something you can do differently, I'm going to link a Teepa Snow video:
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You can't. His brain is diseased. Do as freqflyer advises. It's time to separate yourself and keep yourself safe.
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Angiel, if your husband is hitting you and you are becoming injured, you can call the 911. Make sure Dispatch knows your husband has Alzheimer's.

Does your husband's primary doctor know this is happening? If yes, what is the doctor doing, is he/she prescribing calming meds?

When was the last time your husband was tested for an Urinary Tract Infection? Such an infection can cause a whole array of different symptoms in us older folks, and one symptom is violence.

Here's hoping everything settles down.
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