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I will assume you own an agency? Medicare and Medicaid contract with agencies, hospitals, NHs, ect. You would need to apply with either and be excepted by them. I would think you need to fit a certain criteria.

Medicare does pay for in home help but not daily care. Its usually PT and OT and an aide for bathing 2 or 3x a week. Its temporary care. Where I live, the hospitals provide the services. Meaming they use there own employees. They are usually combined with Hospice care.
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Reply to JoAnn29

If you are an agency you should contact Medicaid and ask about the rules, regulations and applications for your state to begin to work for Medicaid. Do know that there will be lots of rules, lots of regulations, lots of meticulous record keeping required.

Medicaid is a joint Federal and State program, so check within your own state. As an Agency you will understand that this research is a part of your business model.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

We are private citizens on this global forum of caregivers and care receivers.

I personally don't understand your question and really don't know who you should be asking. If the owner of your agency doesn't know, it's not your job to figure it out -- unless you work at an agency and wish to specifically provide care to a LO who is on Medicaid.

FYI Medicare doesn't pay for caregiving in the home. Medicaid can, but it's usually very limited hours and the care recipient has to apply for this.
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Reply to Geaton777

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