It is set to start in October. I thought it would be at least $200, not $45!
Mom hates most of the food and some of it has made her sick/diarrhea etc. Also, the portions are very small and she is hungry a lot too. So a lot of money has been spent on outside meals for her, she needs clothes, pajamas, blanket, robe slippers toiletries, haircut and the list goes on etc. This facility doesn’t even have hand soap in the bathroom. The blanket they gave her was literally a sheet. Over the past month we bought her sneakers clothes etc. too. Is this really how it is? How do they think people can live on $45 a month? Facilities don’t provide all these things, especially Medicaid ones.
I have been having panic attacks for the past 24 hours about this as I have already been spending a lot on mom and I can’t handle all of these expenses all the time. There is no other family to help either.
What happens to these people who have no kids or family? How can they live w/ $45 a month??
Now is time to let family know. Birthday Christmas or other times people would gift, paying for a haircut, new PJs or day clothes is more practical now.
If mobility is issue, clothing styles will also change. Set up an Amazon wish list with specific things mom likes and clothes that fit (so correct neck style, sleeve type, button or snap closure) and as soon as someone asks if she needs anything, send a link to an item.
You might want to share a group email to let family know about the $45 and ask if they might be interested in several of you putting your names on a bank acct and use gifts in the acct for things she might need. Keep receipts and provide donors with spending updates....maybe a pic of her wearing new outfit. Clothes get lost in facility care quite often so replacing will be ongoing. The days of World's Best Mother coffee mugs are over. Practicality is key for misc items now