
I am 49 years old and

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In the meantime, please do what you can to protect your health such as eating a high fiber diet (soluble and insoluble fiber), drinking lots of pure water (100 oz minimum per day) and eating healthy, close to nature foods. Digestive enzymes help animal proteins break down rather than rot in the gut. Proper food combining is a MUST for colon health, and you can easily research that for no cost online. Probiotics are essential as well. All the best to you!
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You can try this govt site that lets you search for programs in your area.
It is US Dept of Health and Human Services and states:
Federally-funded health centers care for you, even if you have no health insurance. You pay what you can afford, based on your income. Health centers provide
checkups when you're well
treatment when you're sick
complete care when you're pregnant
immunizations and checkups for your children
dental care and prescription drugs for your family
mental health and substance abuse care if you need it
Health centers are in most cities and many rural areas. Type in your address and click the 'Find Health Centers' button to find health centers near you
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I need a colonostropy because I have colidoss and Its been really bad and I havent been feeling well. I had one done 7 years ago. colon cancer runs in my family. I also need obgyn Pap smear every 6 mth low grade bad cells now its been almost a year and manography. really just interested in cancer screenings
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See if you can access this pdf. it is called
Getting Covered:
Finding Health Insurance
When You Lose Your Job

it discusses in detail each of these options:
Your Options:
Find out if you can get coverage through your spouse’s or domestic partner’s employer.1.
Find out if you can continue your coverage through COBRA. 2.
Find out if your state has any laws or programs that could help you.3.
Find out if you are protected under another federal law called HIPAA (the Health 4. Insurance Portability and Accountability Act).
Find out if you are eligible for Trade Adjustment Assistance and the Health Coverage Tax 5. Credit that comes with it.
Find out if you or any of your family members are eligible for Medicaid, the Children’s 6. Health Insurance Program (CHIP), any other state or local program, or VA coverage.
If you can’t afford COBRA and you can’t get help through a public program or any of the 7. options listed above, shop for insurance in the individual market—but do so with CAUTION.
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We've been self employed since 2005, with "no" so-called "health" insurance. We purchased a policy which has an amazingly high deductable. (I went to the doctor once in 2006 for a spider bite, but that's been it! I'm 53.) The high-deductable private policies don't cost as much for premiums, but are meant to cover you if you have a truly huge medical bill like an emergency surgery or something. Staying healthy has proven to be more cost-effective for us! :-) What checkups are you talking about that you've missed?
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