
I am in need of ways to start getting care giver services.

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There are lots of ways.
Google Caregiving Agency in your area and you will have a lot to select from.
Contact your local Senior Service Center, they may have programs or ideas that might help.
There are companies like and others that you can try. If I recall correctly you have to pay to be a member. And then you have to pay your caregiver.
Before you make the calls figure out exactly what services you need.
Is it all day, part day.
Are medications going to be given? if so can the person take the medication that is handed to them in a cup? If so you can place meds in a cup and a caregiver can give the cup to the person. If not and medication has to be given BY the caregiver in most areas you would then have to have a Nurse unless you are hiring privately.
Calling a few agencies they will come and do an assessment and you can make a decision after you have had that and get quotes on prices.
Hiring through an agency will be a bit more expensive BUT if you hire privately you have to do all the paperwork for taxes and such.

And what lealonnie1 said...that is fast and easy way to get started.
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Click on the Find Care tab on top of this page. Then fill out the information being asked, and say you need in home care. A list will appear in your area.

Good luck to you.
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