
I am 97 years and I lost my taste.

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Do they know why you have lost your taste? Have you been tested for Covid-19? Have you had MRI. My brother lost his from a benign tumor that was there likely for decades. People with Lewy's Dementia often lose taste as do people who had covid-19. There are many other reasons. This is something to discuss with your MD. Sometimes this is not a curable thing, and the sense of being able to smell odors often goes along with it. In the case of those long haulers who are s/p covid there is some research being done on treatment by introducing numbers of new strong tastes per day. They have had some success. If I were you I would seek the advice of my doctor on this one. Good luck.
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Hi Faith
Is this a new or sudden occurrence? If so, Perhaps you should be tested for COVID? I’ve heard that can sometimes be the only symptom.
I sure hope you are able to get your taste back soon.
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