
My mom's diapers are very potent. Even though I tie them in a deodorized garbage bag and through them outside immediately, her room still stinks. How do i eliminate that smell naturally

As said, a strong odor means an infection. A culture needs to be done to find out what the infection is so the correct antibiotics are given. This can become serious and Mom can become septic.

I placed bowls of vinegar around Moms room and bath and the order was gone in a few hours.
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Reply to JoAnn29

My husband had very strong urine smelling diapers. Smelled like amonia and sulfur. He was put on medicine for a Urinary Tract Infection. Cleared it up within a week.
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Reply to JanPeck123

You may be dealing with dehydration or infection.
I would speak to her doctor at your earliest convenience.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

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