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A power wheelchair seems to do anything that a mobility scooter can do, it just looks different and is more compact. My sister has a power wheelchair with one-hand operated controls, and she zips around on it, inside and out. If your local transport options will take power wheel chairs, perhaps start looking for a second hand one. If it will do the same things, the money is an argument in itself.
Helpful Answer (5)
pronker Jul 2021
Thanks for the swift reply - I shall take a power wheelchair into consideration because its wheelbase is much smaller than the scooter's. I've seen the power chairs on buses.
Just tell him, or know that for that same $3700, you could get yourself a much-newer Honda Civic that'll run forever.
Helpful Answer (3)
pronker Jul 2021
Thanks for the reply - I neglected to post that the mobility scooter needs a scooter lift and the car must be of the minivan/SUV size for it to be affixed. For myself alone, a Civic would work.
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Start with how much its costing to keep a 25 year old car going. Explain that you cannot afford to keep it up or afford another car. Seems like you have taken advantage of transportation near you. If you have no problem in hiring an uber or taking public bussing, then do what is best for you. You are the Caregiver. You are the one that seems to be holding things to together. Don't ask his opinion, just tell him.
Helpful Answer (7)
pronker Jul 2021
Yes, I'm considering pointing out the list of expenses with its total circled in red and going on from there. I actually am acquainted with an Uber driver, so that's a plus! It's the mobility scooter that is the hangup. The non-emergency places ask $80-100 for round trips in-city and they're the ones that haul scooters.
pronker, start off with no driving at night. I can't remember the last time my sig-other and I even needed to go anywhere after dark.

I started ordering things on-line so I wouldn't need to fight the traffic. I already had been using curb-side pick-up for my on-line groceries for many years and the store is just around the corner.

Many of us have found we don't enjoy driving like we use to. I try to avoid high speed roads and try to use only residential streets where the mph is 25 or 35, more my comfort zone. Gone are the days of going 65 mph and liking it.

It's great that you were able to find other way for transportation. That is a big help. I remember one time my folks were curious where the local mini-bus went on its route, so we took the bus one day.
Helpful Answer (4)
pronker Jul 2021
Thanks for replying - yes, I no longer drive on freeways. I've not done on-line ordering for anything, not even food. It's just another thing to become accustomed to, it seems; Spouse enjoys the salvage food stores, shopping their inventory that changes daily. He's a bargain hunter.

If the local bus takes scooters, that would be a marvelous accommodation. I've ridden the buses many times and have seen power chairs, regular wheelchairs but not scooters.
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