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My mother is scheduled to move to AL tomorrow while it’s on lockdown. They are being rather hard-nosed about it, stating she must vacate her independent living unit per the contract she signed last month. I am beside myself.
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gdaughter Mar 2020
It's all about the $$$ I bet. What's the penalty if she refuses to move? Got an elder law attorney you could run it by? Could she move in with you temporarily?
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I think the point of all NH lockdowns is to restrict non-essential visits. This new woman was probably scheduled to enter a while ago. I'd call the admin and ask what their protocol is for new entries. They are between a rock and hard place. I feel sorry for this woman's family for the stress of this move during this unprecedented time of health concerns. I don't blame you for your concern, either. My MIL is in a locked down NH too. I would be interested in knowing what the NH tells you. Let us know if you can.
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I really can't see this as something to panic about, as far as I know facilities here are still accepting new residents - after proper screening of course.
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