
After she talked down to me again I went to my room there at work and I cried. I got up the nerve to text her ( because I was to nervous to say it in person)
That I was putting in my 2 week notice and she texted me back ugly things and then she said just go ahead and pack up your things and leave in the morning!
I cried! I've been good to them.
But now I am staying at my sister's house and I need a job!
Every time I post on Craigslist I get nasty responses. Terrible ones!! I live in Milton FL it's close to Pensacola. Does anyone have any advice for me?
Thank you

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I’m glad that you put in your notice since you were miserable with your boss.

I would have told your boss in person or written a letter. Are you planning to use your old boss as a reference?

This door closed but another one will open up for you. There is a huge need for caregivers.

Wishing you all the best in finding future employment.
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A lot of Older people in Naples looking for caregivers and they have extra room
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NeedHelpWithMom Nov 2023
That’s over 600 miles away from the section of Florida where she lives. It’s good to know in case she is interested in relocating to another area.
Report / / Next Door - check these 3 sites
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Well that was easy enough. Now onward and upward.

Have you posted "Caregiver Available " notices at Churches? Senior Community Centers? Called nonprofit Charities? All would be a good starting point, IMO.

Best of luck finding the right fit for your circumstances.
Helpful Answer (2)

See if you can do gig work through or a reputable agency. Also and I personally would never hire a caregiver through craigslist... too many scammers and weirdos and people might be thinking you're advertising "something else" depending on how your ad is worded.

Congratulations on moving on -- I wish you all the best!
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I’ve not heard good stuff about posting on Craig’s list. I know some of our caregivers have used to get work. Locally I’ve occasionally seen posts on Nextdoor as well. Probably Facebook too. I always went through agencies to hire so I can’t comment directly on the experience.

Alva has good advice, and I’d say you may need to get good with the delete button because some people are just gross no matter what.
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Are you saying that you post an ad as a caregiver on a legitimate site, and out of the blue people post to you inappropriate responses?

Can you give us an example of your ad's wording, and of the responses?
I honestly cannot imagine such a thing.

Have you considered working for an agency?
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