
I feel like I can't do anything right.

I am quite familiar with these nurse with a purse situations. A man singles out a woman to be the beast of burden for his unmanageable life. Usually you find some men in their late forties or early fifties looking for women who are desperate for marriage to take on these types.

I have one word for you: leave.

I work as a paid caregiver and have run across these types. Usually there is no woman in sight and they will take the caregiver role out of context. I let them know up front that I am a Certified Nursing Assistant assigned to them. I have dealt with disrespect and abusive male verbal aggression which I reported to my supervisor.

You have two choices here. You can find out a way how to get paid for services you are providing as a caregiver and leave the role as the girlfriend/doormat at the door.

Boyfriends do not get husband privileges.

Or if you don't have a job. Train for one. Move out and live your life. Find a man who is worth investing your time and energy into. Too many women have settled for little or nothing dealing with these types of situations.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to Scampie1
ksjfshdk Jan 30, 2025
This is very interesting information and a helpful perspective about the whole "nurse with a purse" dynamic with men. I am not in this situation, but from the information in your response I have taken a mental note to be aware of that.
Time to move on. Boyfriend is a grown man and will figure out what he needs to do.

If it’s been 14 years and he never wanted to get married, that’s your cue. You do everything for him and he keeps you on a short leash. Wants you to wait on him, but doesn’t regard you as good enough.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to LoopyLoo

I've never heard that expression before, but from reading other comments it seems you are dealing with verbal and emotional abuse.
Nobody ever deserves that.
Walk away.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to MiaMoor
MiaMoor Jan 21, 2025
If you think that there could be any possibility of violence, don't give warning of your intentions, just go and leave a letter of explanation.
Or, if you have anyone who could be with you while you explain, to protect you if need be, then do that.
If there are children involved, definitely try and get support.
If your bf had previously been loving and supportive, and this is out of character, then talk to him and tell him what will happen if he keeps taking it out on you.
But if he's always had that side to him, or he just isn't that respectful or caring, then leave.
You are asking for ways to cope with abusive behavior, as a caregiver to a boyfriend? If he's not very appreciative of your efforts and instead finding fault with everything you are CHOOSING to do for him, he's an ungrateful bum. You don't look for ways to cope with abusive behavior, you look for ways to leave him and find a better life for yourself. At 47, this bf is in the prime of his life and you probably are too. Run away now, before it's too late. You deserve better.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to lealonnie1

Can you please clarify if you are talking about your BF or his family? Everyone has assumed it is coming from him, but is it? Or is it coming from others?
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to Geaton777

You don't take it. You leave. Being alone is highly preferable to being with someone who cuts you down, makes you feel inadequate, and doesn't love you. If abuse is his love language, there's no love at all, and you might as well accept it and figure out what to do next.

You CAN get away from this. I hope you do.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Fawnby

Walk away - no One deserves to be abused . Find a Therapist and establish Boundaries .
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to KNance72

Please define/explain what you mean exactly by “blunt of the bull” If he’s verbally, physically, or emotionally abusive, you need to leave. No one deserves that, no matter the caregiving needed. If this isn’t a true relationship anymore, and you’re being used as a caregiver only, consider heavily is this is how you want your life to be as it could go on for many years like this or worse. It shouldn’t all land on you, very unfair
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Daughterof1930

You don't. I so hope you have the option to leave. I so hope you have a job where you can take care of yourself because I would be out that door. There are no vows to bind you to this person. This person needs you more than you need him. And he needs to know that. Tell him if he doesn't straighten up you will leave.

If you don't work, you should. Not being married you do not get any of your BFs Social Security. You must work to get a decent amount of Social Security.

My Dad had heart problems and he would be a pain. Mom took it so long and then let him have it. There is something called the "gray rock method" look it up. You pretty much ignore the person like they aren't there. You continue to do for them but show no immotion. Read up on it.

Being ill does not give a person the right to take it out on someone else. Of course he is going to be miserable and cranky and you can be sympathetic to that but that does not mean you need to take any abuse.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to JoAnn29

It seems this has become
1. An unhappy relationship
2. A caregiving relationship that has little to do with love
3. A combination of both.

You've posted this under "heart disease".
Can you tell us more.
What level of dependency are you dealing with?
Is there depression in one so young dealing with severe heart disease? Has that been addressed?
What is the prognosis?
Are you being compensated to care for this gentleman? Are you living in his home?

It's my belief your relationship is no longer "boyfriend and girlfriend".
You are now "Handicapped person and caregiver".
Trust me, NO ONE loves the caregiver.

I would suggest honestly facing that you wish now to move on with another life on your own. Or at least exploring honestly your true feelings.
Do understand we are none of us professional counselors. That is what I feel you need to iron on your intentions for now and your future. Please don't use that online cheap substitute for real care; they don't get paid and are worth less.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to AlvaDeer

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