
I've had seven years experience with (6 years with a home health agency) and 1 year as an independent caregiver with the same husband and wife. The husband has advanced dementia and rarely uses the bathroom (only urine) going on the floor. His wife is extremely overweight and only leaves her bed to use the bathroom and shower (with my help). I prepare 2 meals a day (breakfast and lunch), shampoo, vacuum and sanitize their carpet (almost daily) as necessary. Sometimes the husband urinates in the bathroom sink or on the counter. I do at least 2 loads of laundry a day and sometimes take care of their cats. I obviously assist them with showers, washing their hair and assist with getting them dressed. I restock their medicactions weekly and make sure they take them. This is my job and I'm completely committed to them. I'm reaching out to see what my hourly pay is worth. I appreciate all answers. Thank you.

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Depends on your state .. when I worked for a facility people were paying 24/26 an hr but paying us 15/16 an hr but I now work for IHSS and in my county in CA. We get 19/hr . And I take care of a couple others PT so I charge them 19/hr as well . But most facilities pay you min wage or 1/2 dollars more than that and pay you more if you work overnights
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Reply to Trixipie

Check with local agencies in your area and see what they pay caregivers.
If you know any co-workers or former co-workers that are working privately ask them what they are being paid.
Check your State laws for what the laws are for the Number of hours worked, Over time pay and any other legal issues.
Are taxes being paid, is the contribution for your Medicare being calculated and contributed to?

**do you have a contract? If not you should
**have they promised you anything such as an inheritance? If so unless it is in writing it does not exist.
**are you a live in? if so is your "room and board" considered payment? If so that is not legal.
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Reply to Grandma1954

I would contact other caregivers in your area to see what the going rate is for their caregiving in similar situations. What something is WORTH and what someone is willing to pay are often two different things. If they cannot pay a fair wage for all you are doing I would seek employment somewhere else. Your services are badly needed.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to AlvaDeer

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