
Does anyone have experience with a company called Innovage PACE. They can provide housing but I have to change my mom's health care insurance to them for the housing support. Has it been a good for your family?

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There’s a lawsuit you know. That should tell you something. Please investigate for yourself, but as a former InnovAge client, all I have to say is be afraid. Be very afraid. I was warned about them, didn’t listen and paid the price. I wish you and Mom well.
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JMF I will suggest you move cursor up to the AgingCare timeline in blue at the top of the page. Scroll right and near the end, just before your avatar, you will see a magnifying glass. There click onto the search bar and search our site. Basically look for PACE. You will see questions regarding the program pop up. Be sure to read anything you see there by "Igloo572" who is pretty up to date on PACE programs, their benefits and their problems.

I wish you luck in researching this one out. I hope someone here might have personal experience with your program.
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