
I am a sudden and solo caregiver for my mom 92 and dad 81. He was diagnosed with liver cancer three weeks ago. At the time he was fine with daily activity but once I arrived a few days ago he has declined rapidly. He asked me to take him to ER for pain and they gave him morphine, ran tests, and released him. He has now progressed to completely bedridden and mostly incoherent. He has several tests scans and Dr. visits scheduled but I have no idea if I can even get him out of bed much less in a car. He screams just when I try to sit him upright in bed. I can’t just take him for a two hour test anyway since my diabetic mother is in bed right next to him. He was her caregiver until just a few days ago. I don’t know where to begin. He told me before he declined that he can get home health care but doctor needs to order it. How do I do that if I can’t get him out of the home? Thanks in advance for support and advice. I am trying to keep an eye on them both but he needs my help almost every half hour so I am sleep deprived and spinning. One of their neighbors has offered to sit with them while I try to get everything sorted but since it’s a weekend I am sure I can’t do anything until Monday.

Quite honestly I think you need to call EMS for father. He needs to be taken in and assessed for Hospice, returning home only when hospice and pain relief are in place. I believe while the dying process, which sounds to be excellerating is going on you will need to keep mom home and hire in care as well as yourself.
I would call APS now and get their pointers for how to get placement care started here. If you are not POA but only next of kin there will be needs for emergency guardianship and APS may be able to help you getting this and give you pointers as for how to manage things.

I quite honestly cannot imagine a dual crisis of this type. You may need BOTH to go to the ER via EMS and not allow them home. They may need a dual placement by Social Workers from the hospital at this point. I cannot imagine how you will negotiate all the things here at once otherwise with absolutely nothing in place.
You may need to refuse to care for them and may need to allow state guardianship if they cannot receive care in the home. That would mean you have nothing to say about placement AND finances, but it would remove the load off your shoulders, which to be honest at this point seems to me insurmountable.

I wish you the best and hope you'll update us. This is unimaginable really in that you have TWO in crisis and nothing in place at all. And that ONE crisis is involving someone likely to be actively dying and in pain.
Helpful Answer (9)
Reply to AlvaDeer
Onyourownkid Dec 7, 2024
I am indeed POA but my parents designated this several years ago. I have my husband driving out to help me and he is bringing the paperwork so I can sort out what’s what.
Calling EMS for both was my first thought as well but the nightmare of sending my dad home scared me off. Mom is combative about receiving care which is why dad was her caregiver. Thankfully for this forum I know she just has to adjust for her health and mine.
See 1 more reply
Time for hospice for your dad and perhaps your mom as well. You can call the hospice agency of your choice yourself and you do not need to have any doctor call them for you, and they will come out and do an assessment on both your parents, and contact both of their doctors if needed.
And the nice thing with hospice you don't have to wait until Monday to call as they are available 24/7, so I would put in a call today.
I wish you well in finding the right hospice agency for your parents.
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to funkygrandma59
Onyourownkid Dec 7, 2024
Oh my! Thanks, I will do that right away.
If dad is no longer wanting or getting treatment for his cancer PLEASE contact a Hospice in your area.
Hospice will become your "go to" when it comes to medical care. A Hospice doctor can come to your dad but in most cases the Nurse that is assigned will be the consult between you, your dad and the doctor.
The primary goal will be to keep your dad as comfortable as possible.
You will get all the supplies and equipment that you will need.
A Nurse will see him once a week, more often if needed. The Nurse will order medical supplies, medications and equipment those will all be delivered to you.
A CNA will come at least 2 times a week to help with bath, shower or a bed bath and the CNA will order personal supplies.
You can also request a Volunteer that will sit with him while you run out to do errands or just get a break.
Hospice will answer the phone 24/7 and they will admit a person on Hospice on the weekend.
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to Grandma1954

I agree that dad needs to be taken to ER for pain management, possible hospice. Call for help.

To answer your question on home health, just call the doctor and ask for home health to be sent to evaluate parents for care. Or call a home health agency and ask for their help in getting the order they need. If the home health company also has a hospice group that might be helpful. I found it to be.

Home health won’t have the drugs he needs nor will they be able to sit with mom. They are more to assist the doctors with visual observation and vital signs, a cna for baths and physical, speech, occupational therapy. They can also order mobile X-rays, needed equipment etc.
They provide intermittent skilled nursing. At present your dad sounds like he needs immediate pain management. He needs the ambulance to take him so they can assess him before movement and get him seen sooner than a walk-in.

Many doctors now do telemedicine appointments and can approve them for home health over the phone. If they have seen the doctor in the last few months, that may not even be necessary. I would discuss the home health for mom with them as well. Once they have orders they can help you determine next best steps.

So sorry this is happening. Let us know how it goes. We are here for you.
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to 97yroldmom
Onyourownkid Dec 7, 2024
Thanks so much for the support. He does indeed hospice and when I called they were here within hours and he was pain free. Surprisingly my mom was doing much better when they arrived and while she still didn’t have strength to get up she did eat and chat. She doesn’t need pain relief as of yet but the concerns are with the mild dementia. Dad was the higher priority for today’s visit and it all worked out.
His primary care doctors can help! Call them and ask to do a virtual visit! Do it from his bedroom so the doctor can see how poorly he is doing! Hospice care will be ordered or they may want to transfer to a round the clock hospice where he is with nursing staff to monitor his pain! My mother wasn't very good with the hospice at their home for my father. The pain medication was never touched in the refrigerator because she didn't want to mess with it! Once you go on hospice they are the only one involved. You cannot call an ambulance or go to the ER! My mother called an ambulance and they called hospice for my father! The purpose of hospice is a pain free, calm exit to death! My father just worried about not being able to breathe! He was taking his last breaths on New Years Eve and died on New Years Day! He was told around Halloween that he only had about two months! He seemed to be ok with it but I imagine his mind was going through a lot! I was there for a nurse visit and she did the vitals and inventoried the pain medication and log! She didn't assist with bathing or anything else! It wasn't until 3 days before he died he had 24/7 care! So your mother and you should talk things over and decide what kind of help you can get and where his best care would be! If he is on heavy pain medication will you and your mother be able to administer the pain medications? I'm sorry for everything your family is going through! When my mother was dying in the hospital she had a wonderful male nurse! We were talking and I said my mother had been ready to go for several years! He said his mother was good to go until one day she called and said I'm going real soon and she was dead in a week! I hope your father can die pain free in a place you are all agreed on! Your parents are lucky to have your help!
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to Ihave4dogs
ElizabethAR37 Dec 13, 2024
If either my husband (95) or I (88 soon) need home hospice at EOL, we would probably need a private duty LPN or AP-CNA to augment hospice services. Our PCP may be able to provide a referral to the appropriate resources. I am not an expert in EOL medical care; many family caregivers probably aren't either.

If there are sufficient funds, I might suggest consulting a geriatric care manager (GCM) to help sort through the options and help vet/hire home health help or find an appropriate placement. We have already had a preliminary needs assessment by a GCM. They are not inexpensive but may be worth the cost.
Good Afternoon,

It sounds like you might need home Palliative Care/Hospice care. I would contact a Social Worker and have the primary care doc have a home assessment by a nurse and bring on the troops.

You need every service you can get your hands on. You cannot do this solo for two aging people who are ill. Contact your health insurance company too and look into any VA benefits if your mom or dad was ever in the military during time of War.

Depending upon where you live in the country, you can have HouseCalls MD.

This is a fabulous service that most Southern states provide to their elderly. Usually retirement areas have a lot more services. I had to move my mother from one part of the country to another to seek better medical treatment. I have no regrets.

You are in my prayers...
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to Ireland
Onyourownkid Dec 7, 2024
We are absolutely in need of hospice care for dad and palliative for mom. Thank you so much for suggesting the social worker. I was unsure who to contact besides their PCP.
I am so very sorry about your dad. Why didn't the doctor recommend Hospice Care? He shouldn't be going back home. If he's has Medicaid or Medicare, the hospital should have recommended a skilled nursing facility and hospice. Medicare gives at least 100 days for skilled nursing. If hospice steps in, they will help you along with his insurance. This is too much for you or anyone to handle. Please look into Hospice Care ASAP.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to Onlychild2024

Medicare will pay for home health care. We have it for my MIL who lives with us. They are wonderful. We never take her anywhere unless it is to the hospital which requires an ambulance. the home health care we have is great. You don’t need a dr. permission. Call a home health care agency in your area and they will be there within the week.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to RetiredBrain
Jdjn99 Dec 15, 2024
You do need a doctors order for home health

I'm glad to see in the comments that hospice is working out and your stepfather is getting pain management and care.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to BurntCaregiver

Call doctor's office and explain your situation. Doctor may b able to do a telehealth visit with you and your dad over the phone. Doctor needs to prescribe home health care. I would also suggest looking into palliative care and hospice options as well.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Taarna

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