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We took my mother out for my birthday yesterday. We ordered her 1 glass of wine. She said the AL doesn't serve wine anymore. Really doubt they ever did. Then she said they stopped serving rolls which she told me she never eats. She is overweight. Then she said the staff is reduced in order to save money. There are always little digs. She could have remained on her own longer if she had taken care of herself which she didn't do for decades. I just let it slide over me. I can't make her young and realistic the last trait she never had.
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to Riverdale

All we can do is strive for balance, not letting their troubles overtake us. I'm thankful we have nursing homes & assisted care, cuz it takes a whole team of pros to manage old people. Also, it's better to have strangers care for elder family (when they're nasty & won't cooperate). My mother treats the staff there better than me for sure, but I've heard that's common. Lately I'm able to accept her condition & believe she doesn't mean me any harm. (Had to let go of wishing we have a good relationship, cuz we never did). & Now it's too late.
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to anonymous828521

She's probably related to me. No, sorry, I've just been told I have a very negative attitude. Trying to work on it. Pessimist by nature, I guess. Your mom, I don't know. I'd have to try to be armchair psychologist, which I'm not by any means. Others' comments are probably far more helpful.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Cats4Ever
anonymous828521 Nov 2018
I know what you mean 'Cats4ever', It's hard to be positive if we're affected by negative people, (or even the daily news). Unplug when u can: I listen to Joel Osteen on you tube, & always get blessed. He's on many tv channels too.
Can empathise with you. Negativity really gets to me. My Father is in care facility. Complains about everything and makes up stories to try to convince me. Very draining. He is waiting to see mental health service as doctor would not prescribe anti depressant before he speaks with them. Crazy as he's 92 and will just tell them a load of lies.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to Patience13
anonymous828521 Jul 2018
Its good that you're having him evaluated to get meds that may help. Prob the Dr realizes that they lie, (mine doesn't even think she lies either!) It must be senility. I'm staying "low contact" so I can preserve my own life. I used to wish we had a relationship, but we never did. Now it's too late. Hang in ther.
I'm glad you shared, cuz it sounds just like what I have going on. (Really odd that there's no happy old ladies)? I'm sure it's got something to do with the meds, & that they are angry about being old. Just my opinion tho. It's ok to avoid her tho, you're doing the right thing: so it won't destroy your personality also. God bless. ☝
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to anonymous828521

Yes, yes, yes. My mom is angry all the time and makes up lies, that she thinks is actually true. Watch for UTI's, have her tested all the time since it's "whacks" out older people. Changes in medications will effect her as well. Get to know the people at the assisted living, perhaps they have a social worker that might help you and your mom. But doesn't sound like your mom would be receptive. My mom is also VERY stubborn, major problem with control, or having someone help her. She is NOT aging gracefully, nor acceptance of physical & mental alignments. I want to walk away, sometimes I do. However, I'm always back to take care and see her. We all need a break, take one, it's OK . It's hard with our elderly loved ones and no one knows until they are in our "shoes". I hope this helps.. your not alone.
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to slp1684
hayleyamberw Jul 2018
Well she fired me. At first I was angry but now as time went kinda relieved. I've NVR Been fired from a job in my life. It is what it is. My mother has done nothing but verbally & emotionally abuse since i was 8. I had been gone for 5 years. It took me a couple months to realize how much has changed. It's not anything good either. I have enuf of my own personal stuff going on. I didn't do or say anything to deserve to b treated like garbage.
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Mine is...gets so not a negative person personally & I avoid them types at all costs. She hates everybody & gossips constantly about her own kids..etc. I asked her if she likes herself? Hates & be littles gay people,etc. We are native American & she acts white.... but she is handicapped & smokes 24/7. Blames the drs for her amputation...not her smoking....i could go on forever. But yeah negativity is some people's normalcy of everyday living !
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to hayleyamberw

I have the same with my mom...the " oh, you're always right, and I don't know anything". Your last couple sentences is how I feel several times a week! She is so nasty to me, and turns everything I say into something she needs to defend. Doesn't act like that with my husband, just me. I would never recommend letting your Mom move in like I did! Guess I'm looking for the same answers as you are.
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to vali53
Smcowart Jul 2018
My mom is exactly like yours only she DOES live with me. She is as sweet as can be with my husband and my siblings, but says I tell her what do do
and I’m always right. She tells everyone I’m her boss and don’t get her help. I’m now on meds to help with my depression and anxiety over her care. I have tried to involve her in activities both here and at a senior citizen center, but she does not interact with others due to her dementia. Hardest thing I’ve ever done! Trying to hang on as long as I can.
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I forgot to mention that mom suffers from dementia as well. She takes meds for depression and still is always negative. She doesn't bathe like she should, eat like she should or take care of herself. I think it is just to make me feel bad but I have to realize that it is just the disease. I pray never to become like her but fear I am. I think what we are going thru is normal and it is the disease's effects on us.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to LPconfused
PrairieLake Aug 2018
I am really sympathetic to you. My father needed more than antidepressants. An antipsychotic was added, and he began to be less angry and negative. Then the doc discontinued it to see how he would do since he was more settled in the nursing home. He began to have all those problems again. He has vascular dementia with delusions.

He complains about everything. We can visit for about 20 minutes. After that he starts talking about all kinds of injustices, near death experiences, (none are true). So we just say we need to go. There is no arguing with him, trying to help him see the good side of anything. We just tell him we are on his side, we love him and we are happy he is safe.
He just can’t handle any one disagreeing with him, he really believes what he is saying. For example, he thinks he got a bad haircut in the nursing home and refuses to let him cut his hair for $15.00. So he is cutting his own hair with his shaver. And he has a lot of beautiful thick white hair.

Dementia destroys brain cells. The cells that give us executive reasoning. You can not argue with dementia.
We are all on a very sad journey if someone we love has dementia.
I am in almost, your exact shoes! I have not yet been able to convince mom to go to a home. Your emotions are normal and I must agree that you need to stop feeling so guilty (easier said than done, I know). It seems no matter what we are feeling our moms will be feeling much worse. My mom says she knows what I go thru, however she moved 2000 miles away from her mom at the age of 22. However, she forgets that. Nothing makes her happy and looking back I don't ever remember her being truly happy, ever. I guess the negativity is new for your mom but not mine. Try to remember the good times and believe that even tho she doesn't act like it, she does appreciate what you do. When the end comes you will know that you did everything that you could for her. It is ok to pull back and take a break. Your family shouldn't suffer and unfortunately they do. Hang in there, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your mom.
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to LPconfused
anonymous828521 Jul 2018
Appreciate what you shared. Mine also has been very critical & negative, since I was a little girl. She even used to make fun of the few friends I had. She was always in a scrap with the neighbors too. Looking back, it all seems so sad that we were isolated cuz of her. I'm the child she disliked & now I'm the only one left to call her. (Not often)
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Perhaps the loved one has a different take on the facility because they know it is not their familiar house.
A part of them knows they need more help, and life as they knew it has changed. Not many like change. Especially after living at home for decades.
I know my mom was always scared to death of nursing homes. I think she equates that with the big horrible mental institutions of the past. She always insisted she would rather die than go to one. But she put her grandmother in one, and saw she was taken care of just fine.
I also think she knew NH was the end of the line. That in and of itself is very scary. 
Perhaps when the negativity starts, you gently remind the person that the visit will cease. And mean it. I think that might help. You don't have to be abused mentally. And then feel guilty for not wanting to be abused.
I'd give them fair warning to change the subject. Talk about something else. If not have a nice day. Get up and go. Especially if they are not mentally abusing the staff. I'
 Give it a try. 

Good luck.
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to Jasmina

Have you concidered she might have depression on top of dementia? If she is that negative to the point you can't tolerate it, then there is a problem.
Depression is often underdiagnosed or ignored.
I'd talk to doc about it. Don't let him poo, poo you it's nothing if it's not nothing.
Is she just negative to you, or all the staff, all the time?
As far as dressing, showering etc. There are staff that help with those things. They can help remind her its shower time. Then pick out her night clothes and lay out the morning clothes. Call them. The staff is there for that. It is their job.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to Jasmina

I deal with the same thing 100% but my mom is living with me. She has a caregiver now 3x a week but still guilts me if I don’t do something for her and is very envious that I can have a life. I have an 8 1/2 yr old and Husband, and she is extremely selfish.
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to SD8073
bettina Dec 2018
I wonder if a lot of the negativity in some seniors is due to jealousy . They haven't developed hobbies or social ties with others. They think that complaining will fill their children with guilt so that they care for them non
stop and give up their lives.

I've found that when I'm in any crisis, my father's needs skyrocket or
he acts as if I'm a mentally challenged whiner. Either approach is
terribly stressful, and sends home the message, only his needs matter.

The frustrating thing is it was the same throughout my childhood, my
parents needs were the only thing that mattered. And both of my parents
abandoned their own parents without visiting them. That seems to be
a pattern for a lot of needy narcissistic parents as well.
Yes..the guilt is there with me also everyday..I don't know what else to do but pray..
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Godisgood67

She is very frustrated, she is in her own previous life. I came from other country 27 years ago, I had some feeling as she has now. You are a wonderful daughter, believe yourself, do not get frustrated like us. When you are visiting her, just be a daughter, do not try to do the care giver's job, all the work should belong to other people, like pursued her to eat, ask her to stay in the chair, toilet her, explain to her what is right and what is wrong, please just be a daughter, give her a hug, a kiss, if she wants something, ask a caregiver to do it, do not try to be a superpower , just be a daughter. Ask her if she is cold or hot, thirsty or hungery, happy or angry, ask her if she needs extra pair of sucks, shoes, clothes, ask her if she needs blanket, or pillow case, ask her if she wants to get some fresh air...... If she does, please let her know that you will bring it asap or do it right away.
No matter what she says, believe her, believe her, you are the only person she trusts, believe her. Your eye will show her your heart, even the person who has been diagnosed as dementia, they know how we treat them, they know from our eyes, face expression and body figures.

I am a RN, I have my own assisted living, love the resident, love, love, believe, believe, things will change, life will move on.
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to pingan

Does she have depression? Is that the med/s the doc is adjusting? I would ask the nurse if a psychiatrist is prescribing the med? The reason is that some docs underprescribe the correct dose. Then say it's not doing anything. Nothing more I can do. It's because they don't know the correct therapeutic dosage. The dose can be adjusted, or another one added. I would find out what her dose is, as well as other meds and see if it is can be increased. What is the normal range for that particular medication. A lot of times the caretaker has to be very proactive in the care of a loved one.
If the negativity is too great, I would limit the visit time for your own sanity. It will start to rub off on you, and effect your health. Good luck.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Jasmina

normal, normal. Your mother sounds like my mom. she treats me like i am her servant. She always says negative things. At least you can sleep at night and regroup yourself. When you have to deal with that 247, it is not a pretty picture
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to Monikalabadi

I don’t know why my reply was printing twice!
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to njny1952

Dear Rosses, Honestly, I think you should quit your caregiving “job” and return to the workplace. Your mother is running and ruining your life, and you are so entitled to have a beautiful life! She is not thinking of your well being when she suggests you have not fulfilled your mission as a woman. Give me a break! She is controlling and keeping you subservient. I have also got a “prize-winning mother,” but after counseling, much reading, this site, and lots of self-work, I have started to emerge as a free, whole person. It is not perfect but so much better. I am glad you feel like you are doing the right thing for your mother, but I hope you revisit that. She is taking your life and you need to enjoy your life in the way you design it. Shame on her—she will never change. Not ever. So, please try and get a new plan and make it one that is for YOU. Ask yourself, “If my mother were not in my life, what would I be doing? What would I want to do?” See if you have any realizations that are helpful. Take care and please let us hear how you are doing. I care and so do so many others. This is the hardest work of your life!
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to njny1952
anonymous828521 Jul 2018
Thanks for what you said, its very kind.
Thank you Golden for responding. Yes, it’s obvious that she does not have a healthy approach towards life and has huge problems being empathetic, yet she will never realize it.

But when you’re so immersed in a situation you really start doubting yourself, at least that happens to me; specially because she always tells me I don’t understand because I’m not a mother, or I don’t understand because I’m not walking in her shoes. If she knew that I feel I understand much more of her situation than she understands herself! She’s absolutely unaware of her emotional problems, and truly is unable to realize how hurtful she can be.

Through life it was probably attributable to a personality disorder but now that is mixed with age and illness. It’s terrible, and I feel for her, it breaks my heart not only because of her ways but more because I know she suffers terribly. I love my mom, if I could turn the negativity switch off for her, I know life would have such different colors! And I guess with that I answered my own question too. 

So, appreciate your answer very much. Thank you and God bless.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to Rosses003

"is it a normal or expected and a realistic outcome to be so bitter entirely because of your children’s mistakes, to a point of saying and truly believing they are the reason why you’re so miserable at this stage of life? "

Absolutely not normal. We each are responsible for our own happiness. Blaming others is dysfunctional. My mother is narcissistic too and never took responsibility for anything negative that happened in her life. It was always someone else's fault. She has Borderline Personality Disorder and narcissism. She is mentally ill.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to golden23
anonymous828521 Nov 2018
Well said, 👏 bravo.
Don’t know why I feel this is the right place to ask this question. Along the lines of negativity, I honestly think I’ve got the winner with my mother, but my question is directed to all mothers here, as I’m not one. My mom has been negative and extremely controlling all her life and all that took a terrible turn towards disaster as she aged, she’s become in summary, bitter.
But my mom truly believes and has told me more times than any heart and mind can take that my failure in life is the reason why she’s so “deeply sad” (bitter). By my failure in life she means I married the wrong person, divorced him and didn’t have children.
I also wish I’d children, as I feel I’ve a lot of love to give in my heart, but it only becomes a very painful realization when my mother reminds me of the fact that I really have nothing meaningful in life.
She says I cannot understand why it’s such a huge deal and a failure for her as a mother too when her daughter hasn’t been able to have anything ‘that really counts’ in life.
Now, because I know my mom and her ways, I know the first emotion she resources to, to face most situations is anger, so what she says is actually coming from love and worry, but expressed through anger. Worry because she feels she will leave me some time soon, and I’ll be alone and not realized as a woman.
The thing is, I’m on the opposite spectrum of negativity and anger. Despite all, I always find reasons to laugh and look at the future with hope. That is, despite and extremely difficult path as a caregiver of a very negative and harsh person.

I was an accomplished professional and had a good job, which I left to become her caregiver, and I’m glad I did. She needs me and I needed to feel I’m doing what my heart tells me to. Still have my own house which I’m renting out, and more than anything I feel that through my caregiving journey I’ve grown a lot; all that is good, and im also from my heart grateful because God is allowing me to be here for my mom, despite all, I feel good performing my mission as a daughter.

But for you Mothers  out here, please tell me, is it a normal or expected and a realistic outcome to be so bitter entirely because of your children’s mistakes, to a point of saying and truly believing they are the reason why you’re so miserable at this stage of life?

Logically the answer should be no. But I’m starting to believe that because I’m not a mother im really not understanding the truth.

Your honest views will be very much appreciated!
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Rosses003
anonymous828521 Jul 2018
You already know the answer, but I'll sum up my opinion. A good mother refrains from leaving scars on her children, (or at least gets profession help/apologizes to her children for failing them). A mom's mission is to protect her children, even from herself. A good mom leaves behind good memories. Bottom line: if your kids feel nauseous when they think of you, you're a crappy mom. God bless. Be happy.
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I finally couldn't take it anymore and relinquished financial POA, turned everything back over to my Dad so my sister is now stuck with him. Serves her right. All of the drama of him pitting my sister and me against each other. I didn't let him bad mouth her. She is foolish and ran with every ridiculous story he made up for sympathy. He had it really good. I am not going into further debt for such an angry, rude, abusive old fart anymore. No wonder my mother left him and my brother won't have anything to do with him. I guess I thought I was doing the right things and forgot what a toxic bunch of weirdos I am related to. My sister loves the toxic environment and considers herself to be superior to everyone even though she does nothing. Time to put her money where her mouth is. Literally. Good riddance. Life is too short to allow myself to be abused and lied about when I am going above and beyond. I wish them well and want nothing to do with them. She can pay me back the $7500 I wasted on this jerk while she is at it.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to vickyann

My mom refused to go into a senior community. She is 68 and it’s senior apartments, but independent living. They had activities, transportation and everything. Told her therapist we were trying to put her away in a care facility. Which it WAS NOT. I understand about the negativity, everything is negative with her or she doesn’t ever feel well. It has pushed me away because it brings me down.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to SD8073

My mother is exactly the same. Nothing pleases her, she refuses to dress so stays in her pajamas all day & then insists that no one offers to help her dress. She wears diapers but will sit in wet clothes all day waiting on someone to come change her, but will not tell anyone that she's wet. There is a beauty shop in the ALF and the workers take her down every week but she comes back & goes straight to bed then complains that her hair is a mess. She won't go to the dining room & insists on having her meals brought to her then claims that they didn't feed her or that it was inedible, but has managed to gain weight. It is a 45 minute trip one way, but she complains because I only make it twice a week. She had a phone but refuses to answer when I call because it's too hard to reach ( it's right beside her chair). She refuses to mingle with the other residents, complains about the entertainment, won't turn on the tv or read and then complains of boredom. As soon as I leave I begin to dread the next visit. I'm an only child, so it's all on me. I'm 66 y/o and I swear this will kill me before it does her. I take care of everything and then she tells me that she's glad I don't have the problems & worries she does.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to LaBlueEyes

She has some savings, but no, she couldn’t afford ALF, and my choice is getting an aid in. Because she needs to bathe once in a while!

My sanity saver is having many friends who are in similar situations. So I do have people to bounce things off of, to check my own reasonableness. As you said, an older person can make choices a two year old can’t. I’m just asking that she choose to cooperate. I can’t be everywhere and everything- there are solutions but she has to participate to make them work.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to McAlvie

Mm. But the difference is that two and five year olds are not consenting adults who have exercised autonomy for several decades and are, whether they like it or not, responsible for the consequences of their own choices.

Passive aggressive, declining with age, whatever - if your mother is not losing her marbles she can make her own choices. And you can honourably decline to participate. Are there no options besides a) living with your support or b) an ALF? You get choices too!
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Countrymouse

Tried that. Really I have. I’ve done the listening, the explaining, the reasoning. If it’s not what she wants to hear, then it must be my fault. I’m reminded of advice a friend gave her daughter in law about reasoning with a two year old. Two year olds want what they want and don’t like being thwarted. Five year olds will argue you to death. But in the end, letting them manipulate you isn’t doing either of you any good.

My mother was always a bit dramatic and passive-aggressive, but now the brakes are off. Nothing that I do or say, unless it’s what she wants, is going to be right. And this realization is hard won; I spent years making excuses for her and making myself miserable trying to do everything right to please her. If I gave an inch, she wanted a mile. All I got out of it is more manipulation, high blood pressure, and indigestion.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to McAlvie

She complains, she makes up excuses...

What are her complaints? What are her excuses?

It isn't that I don't sympathise, truly. I'm just wondering if there might be a grain of truth in her accusation that you don't want to listen. I wouldn't blame you, either! - who does want to listen to 101 Reasons For No? But maybe acknowledging what she says would be no bad thing.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to Countrymouse

Normal, and it doesn’t even have to involve dementia. Just this morning Mom gave me the “You never want to listen and everything I say will be wrong because you always have to be right” speech. She’s enjoying her martyrdom, for sure. She lives with me, because she’s not so far gone to need assisted living, she just has general age related decline. But this arrangement only works with her cooperation. I have cleaning people in every few weeks to keep up with bathtubs and vacuuming since these got hard for me. Just every few weeks and they are usually in and out in an hour, but Mom still complains. Because she doesn’t cooperate with any kind of schedule and can dream up an excuse at the drop of a penny, I finally figured out how to get part time assistance for her, but I hear about that, too. You’d think I was being horrible to her instead of trying to find ways to make this work.

The way she tries to twist and manipulate everything, I can’t trust half of what she says anymore.

And I can’t help wonder now about stories I’ve heard in the past. It was always, “these poor elderly people,” but now I’m seeing that those elderly types are master manipulators!
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to McAlvie

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