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Reginald, the VA also has support for caregivers; I received some very helpful information from them. Is your father registered for care with the VA? If not, that's the first step.

If you're interested in VA specific support, ask when your father is registered who the social worker is for your father's medical team.

If you're interested in Alz generally, contact your local office and ask for information, especially as to whether or not that branch offers the Creating Confident Caregivers workshop. It's free, and it's excellent; take it if you can.
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Contact a Social Worker at the VA. There are support groups they run that might be helpful.
Also are there any other conditions that the Veteran has?
And is the veteran a Vietnam era Vet? If so there may be many other benefits that he or she might be eligible for.
If you are unsure of service record contact a Veterans Commission office and they can help track down service info. If you have any letters, photos that can verify info that might also be helpful in documenting.
Right now easiest thing might be to contact the VA and ask to talk with a Social Worker or possibly a Patient Advocate.
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Call them, check online. Check out the Alzheimer's Association website. Call the Alzheimer's Association they must have a packet the can mail to you. Check your doctor's office. Many, many options including this website.
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