My Dad (69) has Parkinson's Disease along with severe arthritis in his hip and myoclonic jerks. He sees a variety of different doctors, and while most are affiliated with the same practice, they rarely work with each other and I have to constantly connect them all. Trying to also connect different resources and figure out transportation with my dad who is in a wheelchair and his doctors are an hour away.
Is there someplace where I can centralize all the records?
Ayway, it might be something for you to check in to. Best of luck.
Talk to Dad's primary doctor to see if he/she can call in a coordinator.
Maybe time to see if Dad needs all these doctors. Maybe he doesn't need to see them as often. Maybe now he has been to specialists, his PCP can take over. Dad can always go back to the specialist. There is no cure for Parkinson's.
Use whatever patient portals are in your state. Ask each doctor what they would do in your situation, or how they would prefer the info be shared.
Transporting your Dad as he becomes more disabled will be an ongoing challenge requiring time and money. Unless he is in a care facility where doctors can go to him, you will need to hire a medical transport vans to get him to appointments. Try to get his appointments on all the same days if at all possible. I wish you all the best, and to be careful not to exhaust yourself on this journey.