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Perhaps does your father not qualify due to something concerning the five-year look back into finances? Did he transfer an asset like a house or give away a large sum of money in the past five years?
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If social security is his only income and he has no assets in his name then he will qualify for Medicaid - that's why it's there. But it must be a nursing home and long term care need.
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Junie, He won't get Medicaid at home, but he will at a Nursing Home because the expense will exceed his income.
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junie, the maximum that anyone can receive from SS is less than the amount that they can qualify for Medicaid. If he had some other source of income, such as pension, it could push him over the amount. If all he receives is SS and he has no assets, then the others are correct. He should be able to qualify.
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Maybe I didn't explain it right. Dad's social security check exceeds the limit to qualify for medicaid. He is on medicare but they only pay for short term rehabilitation care following a minimum of a 3 day hospital stay. Medicare does not pay for long term care. He falls between the cracks so to speak. I have dealt with medicare and medicaid when my mother went into a nursing home. She qualified for doesn't.
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I agree with grumpy. Whomever you have been speaking to at SS is giving you bad information. Your father should qualify for Medicaid if his SS is his only source of income and he has no other assets. Do contact a nursing home that accepts Medicaid. It is in their best intrest to get patients so someone there should be willing to walk you through the steps. Yes, the nursing home will take your dads entire SS check but then Medicaid will pick up the difference. Of course once your dad is qualified you will have to take the next step and place him. I should add that your father needs to be deemed necessary for the level of care required for a nursing home placement - his doctor should be able to do that based on what you discribe your fathers condition to be. Seriously - what if something were to happen to you - dad wouldn't be put out on the curb, this is what Medicaid is for.
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I feel for you. I care for my Mom, who has similar problems. Although i almost feel lucky--she is bedridden so cannot walk around naked!

From what you describe, your father could qualify for Medicaid. You don't mention the amount of his checks, but I am fairly sure it wouldn't cover a nursing home. What i would recommend is that you contact a nursing home and ask to speak to their business/Medicaid liaison. I have been able to get lots of good information about the process of transitioning to Medicaid. If the place you call doesn't have someone experienced with Medicaid, try somewhere else. I just called Heartland in Lynchburg, Virginia, and they have a Medicaid specialist who will be calling me back. Good Luck!
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