I come to her she doesn't remember she called my name or why she called my name. Also not too many of the Aides are familiar with Shadowing. They all know about Sundowning but if you mention Shadowing they are clueless. Any suggestions to ease the situation would be appreciated.
Definitely check out medication for this as Cwillie suggested. Here is some other info:
Remember your LO is doing it out of fear and anxiety and not to control or annoy you.
How Shadowing Can Be Reduced
Meaningful Activities: One way to reduce shadowing is to involve your loved one in engaging and meaningful activities. These don't have to be structured activities with a group of people in a facility setting. Rather, they can be right in your own home and can be part of a reassuring daily routine. The key is for the activities to be meaningful for that person so that they capture her attention, thus reducing her obsession with you. For example, your loved one could fold clothes or towels daily, or work on a jigsaw puzzle.
Snacks: The Alzheimer's Association in New York recommends "cereal therapy" or "gum therapy"- where you give the person some food to snack on or gum to chew to occupy them. Of course, make certain the snack you choose is not one that would be likely to cause choking.
Music: You can also give the person headphones with a recording of their favorite musical selections to listen to or even make a recording of yourself speaking to your loved one to reassure them. Music benefits many people with Alzheimer's, and the familiarity can be calming and relaxing.
Wishing you peace!
Anyway, the doctor prescribed mirtazapine, an antidepressant, because she was awake through the night and it helped with the frequency of the calling too. Don't be afraid to try medication, mirtazapine may not be appropriate for your mom but something could be helpful.