Mom is 92, lives alone.Walks sometimes with walker, will drive to grocery store by herself.My step-father passed 5 years ago.I visit in mornings for an hour to hour and a half. My brother checks-in, different times and in the evening and frequently brings her lunch or portions for supper.We did the meals-on-wheels for a while but it forced her to be at home every day at a specific time.
She complains that no one comes to visit or grandkids only stop if my brother or I are there.
She doesn't like to be taken to family gatherings because no one talks to her or its too long of a day. Usually some reason.
My sister lives in Texas, we are in Ohio.Our sister and her husband come at least 3-4 times a year and stay for about a week to visit.
Right now I look the complaining as it comes, boredom and some lonelyness.I look at it as bonding time with my mom.
How do others deal with this kind of aging?
More social activities with her age group, it is known that being isolated from their generation can cause issues.

My mother was stubborn wouldn't move from her mountain home to FL where my brother & I live, she sat by herself watching game shows 24/7.

No doubt about it she was lonely and depressed. She finally had a slight stroke, she became afraid to be alone at night.

My brother and I scooped her up, moved her into an AL near us, she loves it, new friends, activities and no housework!

That was 5 years ago, she is now 99 and teaches sit down aerobics 3 times a week.

Sometimes this living in place thing is not what the media cracks it up to be.

Any county senior day care in your area, might be just what she needs.
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