My mother is 85 and has had mental health issues as long as I can remember. They were in control pretty much until 7 years ago when she had a stroke. The stroke was not majorly debilitating but my mom took the opportunity to become "helpless" and she wanted to be waited on and taken care of. She just went to an assisted living facility and has complained of nausea and says she can't go on. I have had her to every kind of doctor and done every kind of test and there is nothing physically wrong. This is starting to affect my health as she calls me all night and all day and tells me she can't go on. When I am away, she calls and begs me to come home and take care of her. Her physical health has not declined and she is on 3 mental health medications. Any advice would be appreciated.
I suggest you read Liz Scheier's book Never Simple. It will tell you how much worse it "could be". You will feel lucky. Mental health issues are always complicated, there is little support, and even when there is good support and the right "drug cocktail" is found, it seldom works for long. I know that sounds hopeless, but you have been here a while and know, and you will need to accept that you have to protect yourself. You will have to set limits no matter WHAT the repercussions are.
Best of luck out to you.
A lot of meds will cause nausea. There are also a lot of meds that can allay the nausea.
Choose your battles. Block the incessant calls and take only the ones you can mentally handle. She sounds a bit of a drama queen, and that is one thing that is really hard to deal with.
Can you check with her pharmacy about interactions?
Has she been to see an ENT?
Have you tried "SeaBands" used for seasickness?