Dad is 85 and in the later stages of mixed dementia (vascular & Alzheimers). We just moved him into memory care after 2-1/2 years in AL. The last 1-1/2 or so, he is constantly complaining about "allergies," saying he has pressure and indicates the bridge of his nose. He's on Zyrtec and we aren't seeing any typical allergy symptoms such as sneezing or discharge. He is also very hard of hearing. I'm wondering if that what he's experiencing as "pressure" or has anyone else had a loved one with dementia who complained of this? Thanks for your help!
Have you tried treating him for a headache? Or, hot moist compresses over his eyes and nose? Sinus cavities are located approximately above your eyes and above the bridge of your nose, as well as under your eyes. I've had sinus headaches and infections and they are uncomfortable, and my only symptom was the pain, no discharge or anything else. If he has an infection, he will continue to have the pain. I would have him checked for an infection, which can be treated with antibiotics.
I can't imagine how hearing loss would show up as pain on the front of his face.