
Mom is living in a Memory Care Community.
She refuses to keep her shoes on inside the neighborhood, and now even outside.
I asked the Caregivers to not allow her outside if she chooses not wear her shoes/sandals and they told me that they try but she’ll continue to take them off.
When I watched her walk around barefoot outside she kept stopping because she would sit and pick off whatever stuck to her feet and wouldn’t walk on the cemented walkway, instead she’s walk in the grass, but the landscape are rolling hills covered in grass.
I don’t know what to do because I am worried that she will hurt her feet.

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I would let her be. Apparently she's comfortable without shoes or sandals. She might stub her toe or step on a stone, which can really hurt, but as long as there's nothing sharp lying around, I wouldn't worry about it. Walking on grass feels much nicer than concrete.
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Grass between your toes is a great feeling.
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My mother ran around in bare feet all the time. In winter it was a pair of socks. I prefer bear feet than shoes in the house and outside, I really think I am more stable when running up and down the stairs in my bare feet instead of shoes or sandles. Mom also took her shoes off. I really wouldn't worry about it.
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First, consider the shoes, whether they fit properly and just as importantly are comfortable, and safe (no slippery soles).

Second, she may need inserts, such as Dr. Scholl's gel pads. Does she have any corns, bunions or something that might be constricting in the shoes?

Third, what kind of shoes are they? Materials? The style and type of shoe can make a big difference.
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Try to pick your battles; trust me on this! You’ll burn out way too early if you get worked up over non life or death situations.
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I gotta say...I will probably be your mom. I take my shoes off when I can. And if it were not for the Thistle weeds that keep popping up in my yard I would be on my grass barefoot more often.

If you feel that she should have something on her feet have you tried the no slip socks? That might be a compromise
But if caregivers are with her and the grounds are cared for, no debris I really would not worry about it...wait until there is something really dangerous then stick to your guns about it.
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Non-skid socks and velcro-close slippers are great suggestions. I've seen a couple of posts here that are a little flippant, as if this caregiver shouldn't worry about this issue. Remember that practical advice is the easiest to ask for and give. This is a current issue for this caregiver- let's help.
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I would not worry too much about not wearing her shoes!That too will pass! My sister who is in a nursing home with Alzheimer’s-went from not wearing her shoes to not wearing her glasses to not wanting to putting her dentures ( top & bottom) In her mouth!
For wearing her shoes ,I got a pair of diabetic slippers wth Velcro closing!In the inside she wears non slip socks !
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My sister's kids love to be without shoes at a younger age and now in their twentys they have the same habit in the house. Giving her a none slip socks could be a good thing but if the floor outside is super hot you may watch this.
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I used to love walking barefoot in the grass...until I stepped on a bee!
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