
I was allowed to take half of my belongings when told to move out. She lied to sheriffs and said kitchen belonged to her. I cannot afford to get another lawyer to obtain the rest of my things. Even the sheriffs said she is playing a game and they don't wanna be involved. I can't even afford a small claims because I have to pay for storage till My apt is ready. Her cruelty is over the top. Any suggestions?

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My partner. Thanks for listening to my babbling. I am moving on,
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Cooter, I'm sorry, but all I can think is what on earth possessed you to give up your good job and your independence to move back in with your mother? Has her personality hugely changed or something?

On the plus side, if you were doing well before you can do well again. Leave behind whatever remains in your mother's home and look forward. Best of luck to you.

Who is the "we" in your post headline, by the way? You plus partner, child or what?
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APS was called out already, their hands are tied unless she agrees there's something wrong. She has always played the victim. Cried wolf many times. She couldn't care less about disabiled son just as long as she gets his disability check each month. He's the one who will suffer, but we got told as long as she supplies his Basic Needs, they can't do anything. It's always been about money, she thinks that's her power. Anyone, including family tries to stand up to her she will find a way to destroy you. Don't ever say money don't talk. She finds a way. That's where the evil comes in. Here's an example, I filed an expate on her for abusing my brother, she was Baker Acted for 72 hrs. She no sooner got out, she filed a Domestic Violence Order on me. With the help of a lawyer and a sheriff I was cleared, but not before I was ordered out of her home for 2 weeks. It was a mess, but you can get an idea of how off the wall and evil she can be.
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Cooter726 I don't believe in Karma, other than natural consequences; I believe in mercy. Because I need plenty of that myself! Thank God you got out with something, and some semblance of your sanity, but my next question is how long was she this cruel? Did she ever have empathy and was she ever less self-centered, e.g. when you were a child? Surely you would not have moved in and given up so much to try to help her if you knew she was totally evil. And - who looks after your disabled brother now? We are asking because there is a good chance that her lack of concern and apparent narcissism could well be the ravages of moderate dementia and she actually believes some of those things she wishes were true, and could soon be unable to manage and a danger to herself and your brother.

I hope you can put your own life back together at least part of it, but I sense some things you did are not so reversible...I feel for you. If things are going to go badly without you in that home, you have an option to call Adult Protective services to check on her welfare and your brother's.
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Wasn't paying rent, instead I did ALL the laundry, cleaning, made ALL the meals, did ALL the yard work. Took her to any appointments and it didn't matter wheat I was doing, had to drop what I was doing and be at her beck and call. No social life at all. When I would go grocery shopping, her list, I would get a phone call why I was taking so long, where was I. I'd get paged in the store so she knew I was where she wanted me to be. she tells everyone I had Nothing before moving in to take care of her and disabiled brother. That is the farthest from the truth. I took an early retirement and left a great job. I moved all of my good belongings in to make it nice for her. She has NO appreciation for anything I or anyone else did. Very very mean spirited, vulgar, nasty and very vindictive. She will die alone and I have NO problem with that. I got out with my sanity almost gone, let alone my self esteme. I will start over, I don't care if I live under a bridge, the Abuse is Over for ME! I have my faith and I will come back even stronger. I Also believe in Karma!!
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Don't totally understand. ..were you living in your mom's home rent-free, and she evicted you? And she only let you take certain of your belongings? That sounds rude, but, OTOH you had a great deal going if you didn't need to pay rent.
If the situation is different --as in, you did pay market -based rent, and half the utilities, and did not damage anything, if after being a good renter she reclaimed some of what was legally your property, then your only recourse is Small Claims Court (but you have to prove she is guilty, otherwise she is innocent).
Sounds like maybe you just learned a lot about many aspects of Life. So sorry you have this bad experience.. I've had horrible roommates, bad siblings, and spend oodles of time doing things for my mom. Not much time left for myself. Be glad you have a new, fresh start. Put your kitchen accouterments back together by shopping the summer yard sales. You might find something better than what your mom kept!
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Cooter, you walk away and don't look back. Unless you can find the original receipts, it's your word against hers. Chalk it up to experience.
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Cooter I don't mean to be obtuse, but by what means exactly did your mother prevent you from taking your belongings with you when you left her house? I'm trying to picture the scene.

And, so, who's taking care of your brother?
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No one takes care of her, she won't allow it. Believe me, she knows the stuff is Not hers. She hires lawyers whenever something don't go her way, their more than happy to take her money, she has been cruel towards anyone who don't follow her Demands. Even the sheriffs know the game but have to show up, she plays the Victim.
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Your profile says your Mom is 92 year old and that she has Alzheimer's/Dementia. She isn't being cruel, it's the Alzheimer's/Dementia doing this to her.

Since you have moved out, who is now taking care of your Mom? Would that person allow you to come into the home to gather the rest of your things? With Alzheimer's/Dementia, it could be you Mom might not even remember what things are yours and what things are hers.
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