
I wrote here summertime when mom moved into my house after my sister kicked her out. We fought everyday and she would call me names (5 months) I have kids and a husband and they witnessed this.

One day, family came over packed her stuff and moved her to live with her sister. No contact since, until last week and today. She wants to visit for the holidays. She kept saying “I’m your mother “ (she sounded intoxicated) But I can’t see her, she triggers me. Since she moved out I’m in therapy and have been diagnosed with PTSD and anxiety (and feel like my work has been unraveled). I know she’s my elderly mother that I was suppose to care for, but I can’t handle her. I’m happier when I don’t hear from her.

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I know it’s hard to say no, especially to your mom. Look at it as saying yes to your husband and your children and most importantly to yourself.
I am so glad that you are in therapy and getting the help you need.
Probably she would want to stay longer than the holidays and of course there would be drama all the way through.
So stay strong. You are doing the right thing.
Look at this as a little test to strengthen your resolve. I’m so sorry it’s this tough. Focus on your family. Hugs
Helpful Answer (11)
Stuck4ever Nov 2019
Thank you :)
It’s hard because then you feel guilt. She gives me the worst kinds of feelings. Before all this we got along great and I thought no problem she can live with us and I will take care of her. But then I felt a dark shadow overcome me from the past. I’m not even sure if I make any sense. She always asked “where you going, hurry up come back, your dog wants to go out etc”.
I felt like a child in my house that I worked to buy.
No. It is a complete sentence.

I am your mother, yep and the sunrises in the east and I can't help or change that either.

Stick to your guns and don't let her ruin your holidays.

I would block her number if I had to.

Sending you hugs with strength to say, NO, NOT GONNA HAPPEN.
Helpful Answer (10)
Stuck4ever Nov 2019
Thank you :)

Im thinking of blocking her. I’m tired of feeling sad, scared and frustrated. She doesn’t take No. you would think at an older age she would be different. Plus the fact she sounded intoxicated made me angry.
Unfortunately, that just doesn't work for me.
We have other plans for the holidays this year.
We'll be out of town.

She likes to say "I'm your mother" but conveniently forgets that mothers don't call their daughters ugly names. Nor do they cause them to suffer PTSD or require a doctors care or have their work unravel.

Remember that you are dealing with a manipulative person whose probably been kicked out of her sisters home and is now in need of new living accommodations. And using a visit for the holidays as her way to weasel herself back in the door.

Uunfortunately, that just doesn't work for me.
We have other plans for the holidays this year.
We'll be out of town.
Helpful Answer (10)
Stuck4ever Nov 2019
Yes! I’m afraid they are tired of her. She’s not easy to live with. They probably want their space. I told her I’m not ready to see her and I will call when it’s time. I’m sorry
But she again even after I told her that. She calls me like 5 times straight leaves texts, then calls husband 5 times... Ughhh I want peace.
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"It didn’t work when you lived with me, and it hasn’t worked while you live with your own sister. Family must trigger a lot of problems for you, and it seems that you will be happier living a bit more independently. So no, I can’t have you here, but I am looking forward to seeing you when you are getting professional care. Then I can be a daughter and you can be my mother, without all these other issues. It would be good if you could look at respite care for the holidays, and AL after that."
Helpful Answer (4)
Stuck4ever Nov 2019
The family trigger is unreal. The things I can tell would make people gasp. How did I survive to adulthood?
at one point mom and I got along great but when she moved in my house it was hell. I even looked to move out. of course her family thinks I’m a selfish mean daughter leaving her dear mother homeless.
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Good for you
Helpful Answer (3)
Stuck4ever Nov 2019
Thank you. Something I never thought I would go through.
No. You don’t have to explain why. Just, “No!” And don’t attach any guilt to it. Someday if you want to visit her, do it under your terms and give yourself permission to leave if you need to.
I wish you peace and comfort for the coming holidays.
Helpful Answer (5)
Stuck4ever Nov 2019
right. I told her I will call her when I’m ready and that I’m hurt. She kept saying I’m your Mother though, what you don’t want to see me? I wish we had a Hallmark family but we don’t. She’s a bitter old woman.

Happy Holidays to you as well
Report NOT allow her to visit for the holidays! What if her sister (and your cousins) kick her out with the intent to make YOU take care of her again? I can see this being a real possibility!

Mean abusive parents do NOT get to decide who gets to do what for them. Your sister walked away, and so should you.

You deserve a better life than what it would be if your mother is in it.
Helpful Answer (6)
Stuck4ever Nov 2019
Thank you! I have a feeling that cousin and aunt are tired of her and are asking her to call me. I have this internal battle that nobody understands “ she’s your mother” they tell me. and I say there must be a way out of it.
No. I am no contact with my mother for 8 years, and I will never have contact with her again. I too, suffer from PTSD given to me at her hands.

She is toxic, let her go...for your and your families sake. There is no written law that you should take care of your mother, that is a choice, based on many factors, abuse to a child or caretaker does not entitle another to be cared for.

Be honest, tell her the truth, move on.
Helpful Answer (6)
Stuck4ever Nov 2019
I’m so sorry you had to go through that with your mother. Having PTSD is indescribable and it’s hard sometimes. I know I have had a rough life but I never knew my symptoms of the PTSD.

When she moved in , I felt like a kid again and the responsibility of taking care of her and kids also overwhelmed me. Yes I suffered so much in her hands as a baby, child, teen. I tried and was so much happier without her contacting me. The minute I see her name on my phone my heart drops and I want to hide.
Stuck, the fact that she thinks that "I'm your mother" is a trump card is a very clear indication that in her book, being a mother is a role that is all privilege and no responsibility.

Do NOT pick up this guilt card. Say no and mean it. Come back here for support if you need it!
Helpful Answer (8)
Isthisrealyreal Nov 2019
So true Barb, isn't it odd how people take the idea that they are so imperial. In my book being mother is all responsibility and that responsibility earns you some privilege, but only in your own home. When you go to your adult children's home they are in that role and you are a guest, gracious behavior is the order of the day.
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You say she won't take no for an answer. Well, you have to amp up you answers until she hears.

"Mom we tried having you here and your actions ruined it. You are not welcome in my home because you don't have the courtesy to treat me or my family with civility and you ruined our peaceful haven with your nonsense. You are not doing it again. You are never welcome in my home, ever."

One time my mom and stepdad were planning to come visit and I was just sick with worrying. They think perversion is how you talk, interact and live. I don't want that kind of garbage in my home. So I tell my mom that they are welcome to come, but only if they leave their filth at home. She gets all pissy, are you telling me you don't want me in your house. Yep mom, I am saying that you have to behave and keep your husband in line or I don't want you in my house. Whew, she went nuclear, oh well mom, you did this not me.

Well she finally calmed down and she said that they were coming. It turned out to be a pretty decent visit and we didn't have to listen to their filthy perverse mouths.

As you say, you worked for the house, she is not entitled to it, she is nor entitled to ruin your home for your family. You are a mother now and your first responsibility is to your family, not her.

I would block her number in my husband's phone and then consider how to tell her strongly enough that she understands that she screwed up both chances, her 1st and last.

Oh, who cares what others think about what you are doing. Let them take her in.

Edit: age usually only magnifies what they really are. Time doesn't change character and the way the tree leans, is the way it will go. You know who she is, trust yourself and what you know about her. No guilt, you gave it your best shot and it didn't work. Happens every day. You can do this!
Helpful Answer (7)
Stuck4ever Nov 2019
Thank you :)
i will try my very best. I feel like I’m the only one and nobody understands what I’m going through. I buy homeless people snack and water as I go into grocery stores, I take care of animals and cry when I see them suffer. I love my kids so much it hurts. So I’m not a mean person I’m just tired of fighting. You’re right age really doesn’t mature people that don’t want to change. She’s always the victim.
“.......feeling like a kid....” is probably the worst possible point for managing a relationship with a troublesome parent.
If your mother was introduced to you as the quarrelsome, difficult, hostile uncooperative mother of someone whom you loved and cherished as a dear friend, you would probably feel comfortable holding such a person at a distance, nurturing your friend through her discomfort in dealing with her mother, and objectively managing your reactions to her with a dispassionate and very limited approach.


In your place, wouldn’t even consider trying to talk or explain or even acknowledge any of the painful treatment you have experienced in the past. Knowing going in that she will pull the guilt card whenever you get near the truth, don’t give her the reason to do that.

Guilt is unwholesome to be controlled by, and downright disgusting to use as a motivator. DON’T apply it to yourself when she attempts to spread it.

Enjoy YOUR family holidays, and if you and your therapist believe there is an advantage TO YOU to embraceANY connection at some point in the future, do it ON YOUR TERMS, AND ON YOUR TERMS ONLY.

You have been given the gift f realizing that she triggers you but she can’t if YOU ensure that she can’t load the weapon.

May this be your best and happiest holiday season EVER.
Helpful Answer (7)
Stuck4ever Nov 2019
Thank you for your words... you’re so spot on that’s why I cry as respond to you.
I feel so much guilt. I feel cloudy not sure if it makes sense. I tried to tell her I was sad and I will call her next year for a possible visit. I need time to heal. She takes it as I’m ungrateful and cold.

Happy Blessed Holidays to you as well.
Report so sorry for all you are going thru because of your mom. Please listen to the advice that the wise women (and sometimes men) on this site provide to us. They have been thru hell and back trying to care for family members. read the answers, then read them again.... whatever it takes to get your life back....not just for you, but your husband and children....they should be first in your life, not your toxic mom. Google FOG, fear, obligation and guilt.....then hopefully that will help you see you have been conditioned all your life by your mom. Speak with your therapist on how to create your boundaries and release the guilt you feel. Sending healing blessings your way!! And hope you can truly enjoy your holidays without your mom.
Helpful Answer (9)
Stuck4ever Nov 2019
Thank you! The advice so far I have read from everyone is so right and a lot of things said click.
I looked up FOG, it’s me 💔
I'm very suspicious of statements like "I'm your mother" or the insidious "We're family. Family is supposed to care." Those saying those things are the ones who are the "culprits" (for lack of a better word) or the ones who aren't doing the caring.

The recipients of such statements are invariably the victims or those who'd be expected to do the caring (you). Well, the victims of these statements are a daughter (or son) and they're friggin' family too, yet their needs are cast aside. That infuriates me! I had a PTSD meltdown caused by extreme long-term stress, not caused by sweet Mom but by my Twisted Sisters.

Be strong, stuck4ever. You're on the right track. Stay with us, dear. Here at AC, you matter and we got your back.
Helpful Answer (8)
Stuck4ever Nov 2019
(I wrote a comment back to you and don’t know where it went hmmm)

Thank you so much! Everybody here has great advice and just the tone of comments are very caring. I’m very grateful thank you. My sister kicked her out and sold the house with no return address. Sister texts my daughter and said “I heard things didn’t go too well with mom living there. Hope your mom feels what I felt”. My sister and I never really got along either. I was mom’s favorite she would always say.
I'd work through things as you go through therapy. You have the right to be happy, safe and a duty to make it civil and safe for your children. I would say do what you feel comfortable with. And, if she makes you uncomfortable, then do not entertain her in your home. She doesn't seem to be able to conduct herself appropriately for whatever reason. She may need to work on that and build trust over the next few years.

Also, I'd be curious as to what has transpired since she moved in with her sister. There may be trouble over at her sister's and she's shopping around for another place to stay....sorry, but, I always examine ulterior motives. lol
Helpful Answer (5)
Stuck4ever Nov 2019
I keep praying over and over please God don’t let her move back in my house. I’m sure her sister told her to “go visit your own kids”. Before she moved out I received a text message from my cousin telling me to stop stressing her mom out. I told her I’m sorry this was not my intentions.
I'd WRITE all that great advice down in a letter and mail it. Old fashioned snail mail.

Just talking to my mother or MIL is pointless. They both have some level of dementia and that has sadly caused their underlying basic nasty personalities to get worse. Mother can and does fake it, MIL doesn't even try anymore.

I HATE the holidays. I love having my family around and all that--I just get sick from anxiety of trying not be a "pill' as my DH says. If he only knew how sick to my stomach I get just being in the same room with his mother. Mine too.

20+ years of therapy and somedays I don't think it's helped a single but--but I will probably always be a 'wounded bird'.

DO NOT take your mother back. Help place her in a NH if she has overstayed her welcome at her sister's. Nobody gets a pass on rotten behavior just because they are a relative.
Helpful Answer (6)
Isthisrealyreal Nov 2019
I wouldn't even help her find a place, she will blame her for every issue, real or perceived.

Give her a list of resources that can get her placed.
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Ahh, the "I'm your mother!" card. Classic.

Yes, she's your mother. She birthed you, that's nice, but respect is a two-way thing. You can't be abusive and cause chaos when you live in someone else's house. "I'm your mother!" is not a pass to crap on her children. It's plain disrespectful and arrogant to treat anyone like garbage and be ungrateful, yet still expect them to house you and take care of you.

Leave her alone and makes sure she leaved you alone. You can't help her and she won't change.
Helpful Answer (10)
Stuck4ever Nov 2019
Right. Months ago I told her how I felt and she laughed it off. My poor kids heard us arguing all the time and me hiding in the garage. I also feel bad at the same time, she’s elderly and my mom.
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Take this holiday for yourself and don't feel guilty. Decorate, bake, cook and have those people who make you happy around. Have no one who brings negativity with you. Mom will be spending her holiday with her Sister.

You don't have to pick up the phone and u can block Mom.
Or tell her " sorry Mom, I need a break from you. I want to enjoy the holidays and it seems we just can't be together without fighting. So, enjoy ur holidays with Aunt."
Helpful Answer (5)
Stuck4ever Nov 2019
Thank you! :). I will try. I would love a peaceful holiday that’s my dream. I wouldn’t want to be uncomfortable or angry.
Stand your ground, I am sure the 5 months filled with abuse when she lived with you, were proceeded by a lifetime of abuse.

5 years ago I decided I would not spend the holidays near my mother. I was done in by the constant criticism. I would rather spend Christmas Day alone with a book, than a toxic person.

Just tell Mum, "No, you are not welcome in my home over the holidays." Then hang up.
Helpful Answer (6)
Stuck4ever Nov 2019
Thank you for your response :)
I’m definitely not going to reach out to her. If she does again I have to tell her that she expected me to be available during the holidays when she had family pack her stuff and move out the way she did. I remember she text me” you can have your room back. Thanks”

I feel your pain! I cared for my mom in my home for nearly 15 years! I swear I must have had temporary insanity. It’s terribly hard. It’s exhausting. It’s infuriating at times.

It was the worst mistake of my life. Destroyed my relationship with my mother. Placed stress on entire family. I would never do it again.

Let her be. Let go. Take care of you now. Hugs!!!
Helpful Answer (8)
Stuck4ever Nov 2019
thank you 😊
Mom and I were ok before she moved in. So that makes me sad but while she lived here I was dealing with her and my kids health issues. So it took a HUGE toll on my sanity.
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Listen, I am now going to call you, “Unstuck!”


As far as the comments to make you feel guilty goes...

My mom told me, “I would have NEVER spoken to my mom the way you have spoken to me.” She thought it was make me feel guilty. All it did was infuriate me! I promptly told her, “Of course not, mom because grandma didn’t treat you the way you’ve treated me!” My grandma was a sweetheart. My mom was nothing like her mom. My mom has a mean streak.

My mom was lovely in many ways. She really was. We had issues and then became very close but moving her in with us brought out her true colors. She always wanted me to take the blame for everything. I am not proud of all of the arguments. She brought out the very worst in me.

We can be pushed to the limit or as my husband says, “hit our threshold of pain.”
Helpful Answer (11)
anonymous912123 Nov 2019
I swear our mothers have to be twins. She said the exact same thing to me, right before she told me to "F" off, and I did, never spoke to her again. Trying to think of some redeeming qualities of my mother, give me a week or so, there must be something!
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Happy Holidays to everyone. Hope it was blessed.

Since my last post, my mother has contacted me again. Left a message and multiple texts. I chose not to listen to the VM. I was brief with my response in text. I have also decided to block her and my sister. They ruin my days and I am finished feeling like crap. I wish had had that perfect family but it wasn’t in the cards for me. Thank you for reading
Helpful Answer (9)

(UN)Stuck4ever!!! Yahoo!!!

I am sorry that you didn't get a loving mom, but you can have the family you desire. Your children and husband and yourself can be that family. Spend your energy being that family.

Helpful Answer (9)
Stuck4ever Feb 2020
thank you so much and thank you for reading and responding.
nobody understands me but only my therapist. I’m now the black sheep and last night I woke up crying because I was dreaming of my “family “
Another update, I got really sick. Started 1/4 and I’m still hurting. I’ve been diagnosed with diverticulitis. Doctors told me to minimize stress and change of diet. I know all this stress caused my body to FINALLY break down. I worry still of her showing up at my door or worse yet, what if I get a call saying she is seriously ill. These two things keep me up at night but I know if I let her back I will be miserable again.
Helpful Answer (1)
AlvaDeer Feb 2020
Honey, stick with it. I have had it and it is dangerous, and can recur. You need now to take care of yourself. I recommend citrucel. It is like metamucil but different in that it doesn't cause bloat and gas because it ferments in a different way in your digestive system. It will keep things flowing, keep things "formed" and out of those pockets.
You need to relieve yourself of stress. If your Mom is seriously ill then you will visit her for short visits as you are able in nursing home or hospital, hospice. But you need now to stick to your own guns. You need to care for yourself, to apologize for falling ill and being not without limitations. Please do this for yourself so that you can be there for your own life as well as for your Mom. Diverticulitis is NOT a joke. You can perforate your bowel and pass away more quickly than Mom could make it to your bedside (not to scare you or anything; but it is a fact. ) Know your symptoms. For me the diverticular pain is quite unique. I catch it early. I take care of myself. And you must as well. I am wishing you so much luck.
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Unstuck4ever, please don't let them keep you up at night.

You gave it a shot and it didn't work out. You can't do more than that.

They are probably sick of her garbage and trying to create an opportunity to dump her on you. NO, NO, NO! You and your family do not deserve to be a scratching post for her. She showed you who she is, believe her.

You don't have to welcome her in to your house because they show up. You can say it is not a good time and close the door with them outside. If she is hospitalized she is in professional care and there is not much that can be done, a visit, well if you are not physically well then you can send flowers and a card.

Please get some help to turn off the worries about what could happen. Decide what you will do when things happen and let it go. You matter and this is obviously tearing you up. You don't want to become a statistic.
Helpful Answer (3)
Stuck4ever Feb 2020
it’s killing me. I have good days but then I remember what my life is. I watch other mother and daughter interactions, why can’t that be me?
i try stopping the nightmares but they happen almost nightly. I guess it’s my guilt.
i can guarantee they are tired of her and they definitely dislike me.
thank you for taking time to comment.
Don't even allow her to visit. They may not come back to pick her up. Your husband needs to say sorry visiting either way is not going to happen. Tell him to block the calls and your kids too. Can't stress out if u don't know they called.

Yes, take care of yourself. You owe Mom nothing. She has made her bed. If sister can no longer care for her its up to her to find a way out. Do not answer the door if Mom shows up. Call the police. Tell them she is abusive and u will not allow her back into ur home. You have children who are effected by her abuse. The police will have to find a temporary place for her.

If u get called saying she is seriously ill, say ur sorry but there is nothing u can do for her. Their are people out there that will get her what she needs. I was a worry wort. Found it didn't help to worry before something happened.
Helpful Answer (4)
Stuck4ever Feb 2020
im actually frightened she will show up at my door one day. I even looked at moving out of state. At the same time my guilt is out of this world. I think what if my kids did this to me. Then I think but you never abused your children.. you are there cheerleader, you are always there for them no matter how old. I wish life was different, but I never picked my parents. Have a blessed day ❤️
I feel the same way about my mother. I have not spoken to her for 8 years, and have no intention of ever doing so. I am done with her toxic behavior and abuse.

Stick to your guns, work on you...I also have PTSD because of all the abuse she laid on me over the years, since I was a child. Therapy helped me, I hope that it helps you too.

Wishing you the very best!
Helpful Answer (4)
NeedHelpWithMom Feb 2020
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We are behind you 100 percent! You have to do what is best for you. It’s a process. Things never get ironed out overnight. Ask this forum how long it took me to see the light! Mom lived in my home for 15 years!

I will forever be grateful to my therapist and this forum because I was so wounded that I became blinded by my situation. I deal with PTSD and scars but you know what? We can live with our battle scars. Scars won’t kill us. Slowly but surely I am getting better. You will get better too.

I know that I made the right choice to surrender my caregiving responsibility for my mom. The weight of the world is off of my shoulders.

Do I grieve for my mom since she now lives elsewhere? Yes, I do but I don’t miss the agony. I don’t miss the confusion, the depression, the anxiety, the guilt of not being perfect, etc.

I grieve mostly for the dreams that would never come true, the dream of me not being able to fix a dysfunctional family.

I do have concerns about this thing or that thing just as you do. In other words, all of the awful ‘what if’s?’ Follow me here, please stay with me...NONE of those things are what is most important. Know that you did your very best to remedy things. They did not respond properly. I went through so much guilt saying that I failed.

I had a fabulous poster on this forum, Lealonnie who pointed out to me that I had not failed. She probably doesn’t realize how much her statement helped me heal but it helped me tremendously! It was the first time I did not see myself as a total failure.

So I will pay it forward by telling you what Lealonnie so wisely told me. You have no reason to feel guilt. You did not fail. You are not failing now. You can’t completely control what happens when you are a caregiver or afterwards. Does that make sense to you?

I’m only trying to share what truly helped me during my struggle. It is a struggle. We go through a range of emotions while healing. I recognize that.

Some move through the stages faster than others. It doesn’t matter if we creep along at our own pace. We can’t rush how we process all of this. We just have to keep moving. Keep going. Keep building our future. Don’t give up.

Oh, the other important thing that Lealonnie told me when I complained that I didn’t get the ending that I wanted was, “It’s an ending! That is what matters the most!” Wise words, right?

I sincerely wish you all the peace and happiness in the world. You deserve it! 💗
Helpful Answer (4)
cherokeegrrl54 Feb 2020
NHWM....i agree lealonnie gives wise advice as well as many others. So do you....
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I just reread ur previous posts. I read where she was an abusive parent. Forgiving her doesn't mean u forget. You can say "I forgive you but I want nothing to do with u". I have forgiven an exfriend but I no longer want to be part of her drama.

If ur ever contacted by an agency like APS, tell them u were abused as a child. That u have chosen, for ur wellbeing, to back out of Moms life. That ur sister has already done it and cut off contact with even u.

Don't feel guilty. Your Mom doesn't. Your family comes first.
Helpful Answer (7)
NeedHelpWithMom Feb 2020
Great advice, JoAnn

Many of us have been in situations where we tried to help others and they refused our help. Many of us have have been with others who have tried to manipulate us. Of course, we can’t allow it.

When others make poor choices they may sadly pay the price by losing those who cared. I totally agree forgiveness does not mean allowing toxic relationships to continue.
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First of all, you are NOT stuck forever. It just seems that way. You have been conditioned. It takes time to break cycles.

Stay strong and don’t allow her back into your life. It didn’t work before and you know that it wouldn’t work now.

Best wishes to you.
Helpful Answer (2)

You are now teflon. Nothing will stick, ever again.

Keep up the good work.

My advice is to say some really nice stuff to yourself before falling asleep. Set your own dreams in motion, you can control your dreams with good thoughts. imo.
Helpful Answer (3)

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