Supposedly, aide "touched" her arm that she fell and broke almost 3 months ago. She did not complain to anyone about it, except to a visitor, who then went to DON, She is very triumphant that the new aide will never be allowed back in her room ever again. This is the same scenario, she attempts to get people in trouble by stabbing them in their back. I'm staying out of it, I think she has alienated most of the staff there and all our family just thinks she's a big "sh . . sti . . . ."
The visitor was a nosy busybody, in my opinion, by the way. Unless she thought your mom was visibly injured or hurting, she should have kept that information to herself. Seniors in nursing homes have very little to talk about with people. That can result in gossip and exaggeration just to have something to say and get someone's attention.