
To try to make a long story short, my narcissistic mother in ALF (no dementia. Mobility issues ) has sent me a "grocery list " of things she wants me to bring tomorrow before our window visit.

It consists of Depends, Dos Equis beer and a pint of Vodka!

She gets wine delivery from a local liquor store!

I know she has issues with alcohol!

She went two years ago to detox and promised she wouldn't go back to that!

Of course she's on lockdown and that causes her extreme anxiety and agitation.

The problem is, if I refuse, she's gonna have a complete meltdown and I am going to get ration of s#*t.

The guilt is more than I can handle right now!

I'm dealing with colon cancer and surgery in 3 weeks on my cervical spine (2 level fusion).

If I tell my hubby, he's gonna blow a gasket!

Do I just get her what she wants to keep the peace?

Do I tell my hubby what's going on?

Do I do what I think is morally right and face the ensuing consequences?

I am just plain tired!!

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Boy, do I understand the dilemma!

For my mom it wasn't booze, it was salt. Salt, salt, salt, salt, salt! About the single worst thing she could have with her CHF. It made her swell up like a Macy's Day Parade balloon. And she constantly, constantly asked me to pick up salt-filled things when I did her grocery shopping. Pickles, and olives, and cheese, and cold cuts and Fritos. "I won't eat a lot of it" (as she would plow through a big jar of olives a day, or a family sized bag of Fritos at night.)"

I told my husband about the dilemma. I mean, who am I to tell a grown woman what she should and shouldn't be eating? He suggested I not buy the stuff - if I didn't get it, there's no way she can get it in the house, because she has absolutely no idea how to use Instacart or any other grocery delivery service - she doesn't even really "get" Amazon. But I sort of argued - as I said, who am I to tell her what she can and can't eat? I had no desire to be the "food police". I told my husband, in essence (and frustration, too) "hey, if she wants to kill herself with this stuff, who am I to tell her not to?" to which he replied "she might want to kill herself; doesn't mean you have to provide the gun."

Boom. Dilemma solved. And since her health directly affects me, because I'm the one dealing with the fallout, I think I have a right to say - within reason - "no, mom, I'm not getting you all that salty s**t. Deal with it." And you know something - for the most part, she has.

So I wish you well in this. If the booze will do more harm than good, then you don't have to provide the "gun". Good luck, and (((hugs))), especially with your upcoming surgery!!! Surround yourself with positive energy, and let your mom throw her tantrum - and take Lea's advice and turn off your phone!!
Helpful Answer (8)
xrayjodib Sep 2020
Great point!!
Tomorrows visit is gonna be a "come to Jesus meeting "!
She's on narcotics for back pain!
The combination is extremely dangerous for a woman who is already a fall risk!!
Thanks for your input!!
Don't go tomorrow. Tell her your doctor has you in traction.

Send the Depends via Amazon or Walmart.

Inform the DON about mom's requests for alcohol. The geri psych needs to adjust her meds.

Helpful Answer (6)
lealonnie1 Sep 2020
My mother's ALF allows them to have alcohol in their apartments, as does the Ops mother's ALF since she gets regular wine deliveries. The Memory Care does not allow residents to have booze.
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I know someone now drinking mouthwash and hand sanitizer when nothing else can be found, so I think question here is about alcoholism. Are you the POA for health care and able to discuss this with administration? Because alcohol can worsen mobility by a whole lot, lead to a broken hip and there you are. I would discuss this, the levels they are seeing of the drinking. The person I spoke of above was in his Assisted Living screaming, shouting and hiding diapers at night and the person next door didn't want to report and "get him in trouble". So what I am saying is that this perhaps needs to be doled out by the facility. Whether she likes it or not. As to hubby, this isn't about him. She isn't his mother. She isn't in his home. So no, there is no need to discuss this with hubby. Discuss this with the Assisted Living, and if necessary with Mom and the Assisted Living. Certainly hubby will have an OPINION, and every right to give it. Free speech. Free country. But as I said, not his mom, not his assisted living facility, and not his home. This isn't about your husband until he is the one, or you are, with the drinking problem. This is about Mom and about her safety and her health. And as I said, watch the hand sanitizer. Some of it is methanol based and can cause blindness. Rare, but possible. I am no tea-tottler, but this may be something where the Assisted Living rations out a nightly cocktail for more.
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DeeAnna Sep 2020
A female resident at one of the LTC facilities that I worked at had a doctor's order "4 ounces Wine at bedtime". It wasn't a problem unless her daughter came to visit and the two of them had a "couple of night caps" before the resident got her "Bedtime Wine". Oh, boy! The mixture of wine, wine, and more wine plus the Ativan at Bedtime caused the old lady to bounce off the walls all night long.

Years ago, when mouthwash had lots of alcohol in it, the homeless would drink that because it was cheaper. Remember the stories of college kids going blind because of the wrong stuff in the homemade alcohol they drank at a party--Now it is hand sanitizer.
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I was also asked to lug boxes of Depends over as a regular thing. Nope. Get 'em delivered I said.

So you could take the Depends THIS time, as a one off, but state we'll get these delivered from now on.

When she asks about the booze, laugh & say "oh I thought you were JOKING about all that!!". If she kicks up, add "if YOU want all that, that's YOUR business, not mine".
Helpful Answer (6)
xrayjodib Sep 2020
Thanks Beatty,
She actually does have her Depends delivered.
I think it was meant as an excuse for me to go to the grocery store.
She doesn't realize that you can't buy hard liquor in the grocery stores here!
I have decided to take her the beer and Depends, but tell her I will not bring alcohol in the future.
If she can't get what she needs from the facilities weekly shopping trip, that's not my problem!
She is a fall risk, and I refuse to be guilted or bullied into doing something that may cause her harm.
The fact that she gets angry at me over alcohol speaks volumes!!
OOOHHH and the FUN that alcohol and medications have together!!! WHOOPEE!! WE are either bouncing off the walls or so sedated that we sleep on the floor. What fun!! 😃 🍺 💊 

You have received some excellent advice. Talk to the DON before you deliver your Mom's "groceries" and tell her about your Mom's request for alcohol and that she is (supposedly) getting wine delivered from a local liquor store.

Peace--what peace?!? Let your Mom have a complete meltdown. She isn't living with you. Tell the AL what to expect since you won't be shopping for your Mom any more. Let the AL take care of your Mom-that's what they are there for. Quit letting her run your life. You have plenty of your own problems and issues right now. Take care of YOU!

No need to tell your husband about your Mom's problems. He needs to focus on you and support you through your cancer and upcoming surgery. {{{HUGS}}}
Helpful Answer (6)
xrayjodib Sep 2020
Thanks for your input!
It's just been a recent discovery that my mother is a narcissist.
I truly have been doing lots of research!!
I'm getting better at dealing with her, but I will confess that the decades of manipulation are hard to get over.
Tomorrow I am gonna set more boundaries at our window visit!
Again, Thanks !
I see the irony that I am reading your post as I sip a glass of wine, but my response is I do not buy booze.

My eldest's Dad is an alcoholic. My Granny was an alcoholic. My ex started drinking heavily before the end of our marriage. I flat out refuse to buy alcohol for those who cannot handle it. I do participate in their drama. Walk away.

You set your boundaries and stick to them. Mum I will not purchase alcohol for you. Then walk away if she acts up. You are not responsible for her acting up, that is 100% on her.
Helpful Answer (6)
xrayjodib Sep 2020
That's my plan!!
Typing as I drink my glass of wine too!! Lol
At our window visit tomorrow, I will tell her that I will no longer bring alcohol and please don't ask me!
I fully expect the ensuing meltdown, but am fully prepared to get up and walk away!
It would actually be very empowering!!
Heck, if she gets wine delivered from the liquor store, then she knows where to get it herself.

You need not participate in her self-destruction, nor do you need to feel any guilt or stress about it. Tell her you're done enabling her addiction, and if she loses her temper, smile, say "have a nice day," and leave.
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The old duty of care vs dignity of choice. It's harder than it looks!

I know when I was asked to do my sister's shopping, this came up (but with junk food). I thought a lot about it.

I just didn't feel right buying all that salty & sugary junk. Since I was originally being asked to buy & pay (& she would pay me back) I said no. I considered collecting pre-bought stuff but still felt like an accessory, like an enabler. I could see it ballooning out, more & more collections coming my way- I can see the potential for that here too.

In the end I said I would help set up online deliveries instead. If she could order & pay herself, she could buy what she wanted. This has worked well. She gets an agency to collect if delivery is not suitable.

I basically removed myself from any of it. I do my shopping - she does hers.

Xray, would that work for you? Suggest she call the Depends store for delivery account, do the same for local grog shop?

I think she may be testing the limits - seeing how far she can push you.
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Remind us, Xray, before your surgery so we can send in an army of good thoughts and prayers for you.
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Learn to tell your mother no. Set boundaries. Sounds easy, hard to do. I’m still a work in progress with my mother.
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