
Would like to thank everybody that gave me some advice last week but unfortunately my mum passed away today 110 and 10 months old she was an amazing lady. I miss her so much just wanted to thank everybody for the words of wisdom which helped in her last few days, thank you

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Your mum certainly had longevity! I am sure that she was an amazing woman.

You will miss her, but she will live in your heart forever.

Wishing you peace as you mourn the loss of your wonderful and amazing mum.
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Sorry for your loss.
I am sure you made her as comfortable as possible.
She was obviously well loved.

I think at 110 + she is getting a well deserved rest.
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WOW!!! What a gift to have your sweet "amazing" mum for that long. You will always have your memories of her so she will never be far from you.
Time now to celebrate a life well lived.
God bless you.
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110+... unbelievable! My sincere sympathy for the loss of your Mom. May you receive peace in your heart as you grieve.

My Auntie is 105 with no cognitive or health issues and still mobile. I keep telling her she's going to live many more years and she just says, "I better not"
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Oh, Deb. Amazing indeed. Thank you so much for letting us know. Condolences to you. And celebrate that long life and so much love.
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